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Image Comments posted by tophos

  1. Was trying to capture the deer grazing in the meadow but got swept

    up instead by the grand vista.


    Canon Elan 2E; Sigma 24mm f/2.8; Polarizer; Adjustments in

    photoshopo included: rotating, cropping, levels, curves and unsharp


  2. If you see my portfolio, this is a redo of one of my very first

    photos submitted to photo.net 4 years later and with better

    photoshop knowledge, I tried to enhance the previous attempt. If you

    read this far, I'd appreciate it if you can let me know what you

    think. Thanks in advance.

  3. Taken near Hana in Maui. Original shot was 1 stop underexposed.

    Photoshop adjustments were cropping, unsharp mask, RGB Levels

    adjustment and removal of waterdrop in upper right corner.


    Thanks in advance :)

    Pier Erosion


    Thanks Reed, Thanks Plec,


    Are the colors accurate? Yes, the only adjustments I performed on it were for levels on the individual R,G and B channels. There were no Hue adjustments. The green is caused by moss, the yellowish tint, I guess, is the real color of the wood, the dark brown, of course, is the wet part, the whitish tip seems to have rotted. This is the ONLY time I've seen this pier in this color and I have been passing this way for the past 2 years :) I guess the right conditions were just present at the time. Thanks again guys.

  4. Hi Carl,

    *shivers* Scary! Talk about a house with character! Nice shot. You picked the right weather to take this photo.


    P.S. I definitely won't hand this up on my wall, it would freak me out! jk

    NY Harbor


    Taken from a NY Ferry from Pier 11 to Hoboken. AutoLevels in

    Photoshop and dust removal. Only my sophomore attempts in Urban

    photography. Crop suggestions? Composition? I'd appreciate any

    critique. Thanks in advance. Mike

  5. Underexposed this on purpose by 1 stop to achieve this exact

    effect. Can anybody tell me how i can remove, through photoshop,

    the dark vertical band that's visible on the right side of the

    photo? What band? Maybe it's not as obvious as I thought it was.

    Thanks in advance ... Mike

    Bark Face


    Canon Elan 2E, Sigma 105mm Macro, Kodak 100VS, Kodak Photo CD,

    adjusted levels, added unsharp mask and converted to grayscale in



    Saw this interesting tree along the trail up to Halet's Peak in RMNP,

    Colorado. It only shows half a face so i cropped everything to the

    left of the photo. Let me know if anyone has a problem finding the

    face :) of course my mind sees what it wants to see, but i want to

    know if it's really that obvious or am i reaching?


    Thanks in advance


    Acadian Fog


    any cropping suggestions? should i have looked for anything more

    interesting in the foreground? like flowers? (unfortunately, the

    flowers were not in a good spot)


    thanks in advance, Mike

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