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Image Comments posted by bic4d



    We have these huge North-facing windows- used available light and a

    tripod to shoot this on a cloudy day. Cropped and desaturated. Is

    the foreground too blurry, or does the image work?



    Snow day Friday, decided to play around with some close-ups of my

    guitar. Shot with available light, in color, then cropped some and

    played with desaturation. Ratings welcome, comments even more so!


    I agree that there should be more light on her face. I'm also not sure that the low viewpoint works for me. This shot has a ton of potential though!

    Winter Thaw

    I think what makes this picture work so well is the lack of context, allowing the abstraction to speak for itself. The starkness of the white snow was important, as well- wonderful image.

    Biking at Sunrise

    At first I thought maybe the contrast was too great between the lit areas and the shaded areas but the more I look at it, the more I like it- it is more realistic that way, and with continued viewing the shadows aren't too deep at all, there's plenty of detail to be seen. Wonderful image.
  1. What a gorgeous rendering of the stark contrasts of winter- the fog is just right. I only wonder if you needed to show as much height- the hill above the treeline isn't that interesting. Still, this is a fantastic picture.


    There are some really nice elements here- the detail of the mountain in the back right corner, and the color is right on, I think. I feel like it's either too wide or not wide enough, however. Buildings around the edge of the frame are cut off halfway, and there's no clear focal point. Also, the shadows are pretty stark still. I wonder what would happen if you looked at just the top right hand quarter and went from there?
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