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Posts posted by ecjphotography

  1. Okay, lets say what really needs to be said... Ratings are regarded as a guide to how well we're doing as photographers. The opinions of our fellow photographers helps us to know what we need to do to improve our work. Subjective... Yes! Thus the variety of ratings. The only problem I have with this whole thing is "who" should be able to rate a photo? I do not believe that unpaid members should be allowed to rate. I say this because, by allowing non-paid members to rate we are truly allowing others to be abusive to our community members! It is to easy to set up bogus accounts to attack our community. For example: I have a number of competitors here locally who would love nothing more than to discourage me in this manner. No matter how thick ones skin is it still gets to you! Lets just keep it civil and amongst our community and I think that we can all live with that...
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