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Posts posted by nicholas_rab2

  1. Strange argument, I will post my own drivel to it...


    I poked around the site a bit, and something ocurred to me. Seems to me there is a great deal of product photography on that site. Much of it quite decent for what it is. Assuming Mr Gandy took those himself, would that not make him a photographer? Not all photography has to be artistic in nature.



  2. I shoot with XP2 Super quite a bit and have found I really prefer it overexposed by about half a stop. If you underexpose by a full stop you will get quite a bit more grain in your photo's, but they will be useable. If I really needed to shoot at 800 I would either go traditional B&W, or shoot something like Fuji Press 800 (assuming your post-processing is digital and you can desaturate). I don't shoot 800 speed color reversal often, but I was pretty suprised last time I saw it, very nice.


    Enjoy the show, I would love to see that one.

  3. Hello all,


    Many times I find that when I find a photographer whom I especially

    enjoy, I will return from shooting a couple of rolls of film, and

    later noice I was subconciously copying compositions/feel/technique.

    I actually have quite a bit of trouble controlling this, and have

    taken the step of trying to work in somewhat of a vacumn. Now, this

    does not mean I cannot look at a few pictures here and there, but

    actually studying the work of someone is really out for me. Do other

    people experience this sort of influence? How do you gain from

    other's style without subverting your own?

  4. Yep, that tab and a rigid hood would be nice, and if this is your only lens it may be worth considering. Some people seem to be tab people & others hate them. Unfortunately I like them and have no lenses that can fit them... I think the current Leica has a cheesy slide out hood like the Hexanon as well, so you would probably have to look for an older one if that was important. That feel would matter more to me that who made the lens, as they are both really really good.
  5. Hmm, not sure why the hexar is not a real rangefinder & I am pretty sure the hexanon is a real lens. Could be wrong though I guess.


    The Hexanon 50 is a really nice lens. As well built as the leica lenses I have played with, and has a extremely nice feel. Optics are as good as I could hope for, and has a really nice look wide open.


    <img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=801612&size=md"><br><i>Clipper Cove, 50mm Hexanon</i></center>

  6. Another option is to go cheap,


    Several years ago I picked up a YashicaMat EM, Same lens as the 124G, includes a light meter, but no-one seems to know about it. Incredibly sharp at f11 if you are doing the tripod thing, kind of soft wide open, but in a really nice way. Wish I could post an example but I only have a 35mm scanner. Best part of the camera? It cost me $75 on <i>the site that shall not be named </i> in perfect shape Also check out the YashicaMat LM, also the same Yashinon lens as the 124G.


    Dreaming of a Rolleiflex GX,<br>


  7. Hey, a question I can answer as a total rookie, as I did the same thing not long ago. You are probably misloading your holders, leaving the film along the rails for the darkslide. Grab one of those pieces of fogged film and load a holder in the light. When you load it, make sure you are sliding the film into the correct channel starting near the bottom of the holder. Just double check it in the light, practice a couple times, and it shouldn't happen again.
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