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Image Comments posted by dokordave



    Thanks for your comment on my recent work. I have just spent about 30 minutes looking over you collection of photos. This particular shot is my favorite. The lighting and soft focus is wonderful. This photo is exquisite in every respect.







    Thanks so much for you recent comment on my work. It seems we have a similar passion for birds. Unfortunatley I have not taken the time necessary to seek out too many of our feathered friends. My paternal grandmother was a long time member of the Audubon Bird Society, and I grew up with a copy of Roger Tory Petersen's "Field Guide To The Birds Of North America" in my hands.


    This particular bird is known as a "Green Bittern", or sometimes "Green Heron"


    If you google either name, I believe you will see many pictures of this little guy.


    Thanks for stopping by, Hope to hear from you again.


    Dave in NY



    Its great to be back in the mix. Hopefully I can spend a decent amount of time hammering the shutter. I appreciate your kind words, and that in itself is fuel for the spirit. Thanks for saying hello. I am sorry I didnt get back to you sooner, but life has not been my own as of late. Things have changed for the better, or so it seems.


    Thanks again,


    Your friend Dave

    At the fleamarket


    I have struggled between this and the color version. I guess when it all comes down to it, this composition is the one I would choose. The background has more of a story to tell. It puts the whole picture into perspective.


    Bravo on a job well done.


    I also wanted to say thanks for stopping by and commenting on the portrait of my neice. She is a radiant young lady indeed.





    Dave in NY

    Old Tree


    Picked up the camera myself the other day. I am still on my prescription of "block-b-gone" and it seems to be working, but these things take time.


    I really like this image. I think the tree in the background really belongs "in frame" as Chuck mentioned, but the overall concept and composition is excellent.


    Seeing your work & you back in the mix is great.


    Take care



  1. You had me fooled, I thought perhaps you had payed another visit to

    Mrs. Prolinski's garden, and that this was some sort of humanization of plant life. OK I won't go there. Great seeing stuff from you my friend. I will try to make up for lost time here. Hope your hoildays are rewarding and safe.


    Your friend






    Another fine example of technique, and attention to framing and DOF. This is a great shot Bert. This would be my pick of the three. The filament details and clarity is excellent. I really like the contrasting brown of the seeds themselves.


    Bravo!! my friend.



    Keep experimenting. That is the only way to truly master any art form. I was a little confused what you were trying to achieve with this shot, until I read your last reply. I think I see what you were trying to accomplish with the monochromatic look. There is certainly a learning curve involved with PS, but don't give up, no matter what.


    Keep in touch



    Hanging on


    I love the colors in this, particulary the bright red berry. The exposure is correct, and reds can be very difficult to capture acruately. I grabbed a copy of this and just lassoed the main branch and berry with the magnetic lasso thingy, selected the inverse (most of the background), and added a bit of gausian blur. This did 2 things, it brought the main branch and berry a bit more "forward" and "fuzzed out the two dead twigs on the bottom right, which I found just a bit too clear, and drew the eye away from the main subject. Just my two cents worth. You are doing great, as if I am any expert HA HA HA.


    Keep on clickin.



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