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Image Comments posted by lois_cox

    Flamingo Beach


    Very nice composition. I think this would be even nicer with a slight touch of rosiness. I gave 6/6 anonymously. If you don't mind my intrusion I have done what I was suggesting:




    Wow, the colours in this are awful! They are so oversaturated there are posterization artifacts visible in the sky areas. In my opinion, you have taken a solid composition, a beautiful range of tones and ruined it.


    Clearly I don't speak for everyone.



    I love alliums and I like this shot with all of these clustered together. I like your choice to put the closest blossom in best focus.


    However, I find the whole image a little bit yellow in colour. The greens are a little yellowy and the whites are too. Also, the bit of sloping land and tree-trunk in the BG (upper right) are a tad distracting -- maybe they could be cropped out or the whole image tilted?


    These birds don't belong to this scene. The scale, colouring, light, and position all bely their origin outside this scene. I'm OK with PS work and even pasting somethings into a scene. But, I don't feel this even works particularly well. I think that feeling is most strongly because of the very different white balancing between the two elements (the white undertail on the birds is very pink and the white clouds very blue-ish).

    green heron


    Donna, this is a great shot with a very pleasing and effective composition and the pose and stare of the heron is excellent.


    However, the lack of clarity and sharpness is holding it back for me at least. I really like Leroy's processing -- but the sharpening might be a little too obvious (I'm sure a much better result could be obtained by working with the original file).


    I'd give this either 6/5 or 5/6 now and something like 6.5/7 for a result like what Leroy worked up (but more subtly handled).

    Toronto @ Night v2


    I love these colours and the glorious reflections! Nice Shot.


    But, I can't help feeling a certain structure is missing. Shouldn't a postcard-perfect shot of the Toronto skyline include the tower? Then again, maybe its refreshing not to see it. I'm not sure.


    Still, very nice shot. Is this from the far west End of Cherry Beach?

    The flight

    I really like the colours and the overall feel of this shot. Maybe you could clone out some of the debris on the water? I'd also consider a square crop given the singular point of interest.


    I really like the colours and the composition here. However, I'm not enamored of the halo around the tree. If that was an artistic decision, then ignore me. But, if it is the result of dodging the tree to lighten it, I would argue in favour of leaving the tree more fully in silhoutte.
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