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Image Comments posted by marosigergo

  1. Dear Andrew,

    This cat is a Panthera pardus. So panhter. Panhter is not always black. It is black if the skin contains more "eumelanin" (i do not know whether this is an interantion word or local) then "feomelanin". So it is like with human. There are several skin types. the same with panther. You are right cheetah and Jaguar is different. I heared that in some language Leopard and Panther means different but from zoological and genetical point of view they are the same.




    The quality is very good. But i think the positioning is not perfect. there should be more space in right side of the picture. The problem is that the main subject is far from the middle and ca. 40% of the photo covers the body and the wing which is not the best if we want to focus on the eye or to the head.

    But this is only my opinion :)

    anyhow, congratulation



    Very good photo. Maybe would be better if the rear rider would be as sharp as the first one. But this is only my opinion. What lens did you used? I also plan to visit some bike race. Can you tell me how can you get into a race as photographer?
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