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andrew brooks

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Image Comments posted by andrew brooks

  1. Thanks for your comments. Yes this is a HDR as you would note in the image technical details, there would be no way of capturing this much detail in the cliffs and the forground and still have tonal range in the sky. Its a five image HDR, might need to have a play around with noise reduction in Photomatrix.

  2. I have not edited this image post production (no photoshoping). When I took the photo I used a Cokin Grad ND 0.9 and 0.3 to darken the sky but thats it. I have not added the boat into the water (that sunk after a storm that past a few days earlier) nor have I enhanced the color of the water that is the actual color.

    Nightcliff Pier


    Yeah I'm a big fan of HDRs if they are done naturally. Love the fact that you are able to get so much detail in a HDR, but as you know its easy to go over board with the colours and effects.

  3. Thanks all for the kind comments! In response to Volker, this is a bit of an old photo for me, I took it a nearly 15-20 odd years ago on a film camera, an Olympus OM10, and have since scanned it into digital. It needed a bit of work touching up once I scanned it in due to dust and a few scratches however I wanted to keep it as close to the original exposure as possible so that’s all I did. As it is an old image I’d rather concentrate on my newer work. Anyway thanks for the comment, will try Noise Ninja in the future. Had a look at you folio, you have some amazing images!!!

    Night on Maui

    Pitty about the two cables or whatever they are running throught the right hand side and a bit too much noise for my liking, but you have the sky well exposed. Thanks for sharing.

    "Towards Araps'


    Please leave a critique. This is a HDR image, after taking several shots

    trying Grad ND filters I was not very happy with the results so I decided

    that in order to get any detail in the forground I should try a HDR image.

    I'm pretty happy with the results. Please tell me what you think, good

    points, bad points?

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