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Image Comments posted by eventguy

    Cycle #2

    I sat here looking at your image for several minutes -- unable to reduce my feelings into the cramped 1-7 rating system. Thinking about why . .. I can't figure out if this is TOTALLY photoshopped or what. Now its starting to look more like a painting than a photo -- not a bad thing. Still its a very nice image and a very odd image. Original manipulation (I think), good composition, strange colors. If I were in a gallery I'd be stuck in front of it, still peering into its detail. So it must be good, eh? Yes. It is. In fact its excellent. Well done, I say. ~BB

    wild flowers

    Well Abby, I like it. I like the idea a lot. It shows substantial originality. I like the result pretty well. Me thinks it started out as a full color shot, and you did a bit of PhotoShop-ing to get it where it is here -- correct? Having said that, I would rather have seen the yellow petals complete and unmarred by the leftover black stuff at the edges, and no shadow(?) on the yellow in the upper right. Also, I think the background B&W stuff adds a lot of interest but might have been better a little bit darker--and maybe cropped a bit-- so that the yellow blossom was less challenged by it. Keep shooting!


    Beginner comment well taken; all comments are meant to be constructive. Overall a nice idea, pretty well carried out. But a few things bother me: Her face, neck and palm are a bit too dark I think (a shame to waste all that time in the makeup chair)--probably needed a bit of fill flash or reflector--which might have also evened out the varied skin tones on her face, shoulder, wrist/hand and knee. The crop of the hat makes me want to push the edge of the frame up. The background wall doesn't really have interesting enough texture to be included and the inverted V crack/lump and near-vertical line are distracting. I like that there is virtually no detail in the blacks--forces us to look at the model, then her hat, etc. I have a sneeking hunch the above may just confirm your own thoughts . . .
  1. Good eye! Good crop. Francis and Francisca simply took the words right out of my brain. As a door and window lover too -- with a disk drive full of my own, I'd hang this one. Well done.
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