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Posts posted by rufous03

  1. <p>I have a question, I have been a canon fan for years, but recently acquire a Nikon D810 with a couple of AF-S ED lenses. First problem out of the gate is vignetting when lenses are used wide open..Nikon advises that this is normal and to avoid using wide open, so why am I paying extra for a fast lens? Second is normally I process using PS CS6 or CC, never had a problem with CR2 canon RAW files, but NIKON NEF RAW do not turn out as well. recently I took similar images using Canon and the D810 and Canon 7D II Canon was at ISO 2000 Nikon was at ISO 400. Canon image turned out far superior, sharper and little noise No extra noise reduction software used on either image, Now comes the question is there a "special"way I need to handle NIKON NEF files?</p>
  2. <p>Further....deleted all concerned images and uploaded three as a test, making sure each was properly named and tagged, same problem, Images appear to be waiting to be uploaded...minus the name and tag, yet images appear in my portfolio uploaded with name and tag.</p>
  3. <p><img src="../photodb/process-uploads" alt="" /> Not too sure if this will work or not, I am unable to attach the actual screen shot from here. Send me a reply email at <a href="mailto:rufous03@yahoo.ca">rufous03@yahoo.ca</a> and I will reply with the screen shot via email</p><div>00aIKA-459577684.thumb.jpg.0a761e0547dced3597936717813731e0.jpg</div>
  4. <p>I can upload images without problem, but the screen that appears just before the image gets uploaded keeps showing that the image is waiting to be uploaded. Kind of difficult to describe, but when i fill in the required data and hit send, the image gets uploaded, then when the screen refreshes the same image reapears as waiting to be uploaded, if I select delete, the image gets deleted, if I hit send again, the image gets uploaded again and back to square one indicating the image was not uploaded. I have cleared my cache etc, same problem. It does not seem to make a difference if I select multiple images to be uploaded or just a single upload. Hence I seem to have several images waiting to be uploaded which are in fact already uploaded.</p>
  5. <p>Uploading images, the image upload page is not refreshing and still shows images that have already been successfully uploaded, if I delete the image from here it deletes the uploaded image, I am unable to clear that page. Just started doing this a few days ago, seems to have corrected itself for new images being uploaded, but successful uploads from a few days ago remain on the page. I have tried differenet browsers, no change.</p>
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