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Posts posted by jim_williams7

  1. <p>I've tried repeatedly to download the D-7000's new firmware. I can download it with no problem but it is a zipped Bin-Hex file and I cannot get them open. I've talked to Nikon and Apple, both are sympathetic but have no solution. Has anyone had this problem? If you have solved it please share your methodology.</p>
  2. <p>I have included a link that explains new travel restrictions for those carrying lithium batteries. These in my opinion seem rather Draconian but I'm not the one who makes these decisions. If you are traveling, especially with your Nikon strobe/s (and who doesn't?), you probably need to be familiar with these new rules.<br>


    <p>Jim Williams</p>

  3. <p>I had trouble with the exact same area on my D200 that you are having difficulties with. I learned through a photo.net thread that an excellent glue to solve this problem is Pilobond. I finally found it online at Bass Pro. Ordered it and it works like a charm. You might want to give it a try. Good luck.</p>
  4. If Nikon maintains strict continuity and quality controls over its NEF file generation system (and I assume

    it does) why then do application vendors have to revise their software packages each time Nikon (or for

    that manner Canon if I am not mistaken) markets a new camera? Why isn't a NEF file a NEF file regardless

    of what camera generates it?


    Jim Willaims

  5. I too had a similar problem with the same type Sandisk card. Returned it to the company and

    within a qute reasonable span of time I was sent a new card. I think these people are pretty

    easy to work with. I suspect this is about the best you will be able to do.

  6. Is there any reason to resort to the term "1diots" when refering to a problem and addressing

    someone's concerns? My impression was this was the place to seek help, and if it can't be

    proffered with a degree of civility then those responding to questions should refrain from

    offering their own brand of vituperation and apparent self frustration.


    Jim Williams

  7. Thanks for the responses. Much to my chagrin I rethought the whole process and the "big

    light bulb" came on and I realized what I was doing incorectly, i.e. not setting the focus mode

    selector to M. I suppose I need to use the lens more often and then perhaps I would not

    embarrass myself as I did in this situation. And of course I groaned when I thought about the

    question I posted giving public display to and solid proof of my ignorance.



  8. I have had this lens for about 11 months. As far as I can discern, optically, it has performed flawlessly. It

    seems to be performing flawlessly, i.e., auto focusing, at present. I don't use it often: actually the last time

    I used it heavily was about 5 months ago.


    Taking it out today everything seemed fine. Auto focus was on the money, no apparent problems.

    However, I noticed the manual focus collar/control ring seemed quite stiff. I don't remember it being this

    stiff on previous shoots. The zoom control collar turns exceptionally smoothely. The lens motor, however,

    is loud but seems to be working with no effort and very fast.


    In contrast when I turn the manual focus collar not only is it very stiff, it generates the same noise as

    when it is auto focusing as if the motor drive is engaged. Anyone owning this lens have this same

    experience? I would appreciate any feed back from owners of this lens.


    Many thanks

  9. As a former Canon conventional SLR user for years I shot some sports with a Sigma 600mm f/8 mirror

    lens. When I changed to the digital format I switched to Nikon. Looking back on the 600 mm I realize it

    gave me years of outstanding service. Though it had a large radius it was relatively short and light and

    easily attached to a tripod. It made shooting daytime, outdoor sports a delight. Filters easily dropped in

    the rear of the barrell just in front of the camera body.


    What happened to these mirror lens? Were they not adaptable to the digital format? I had almost forgotten

    about them. But mine my was a joy and worked extremely well. They represented a ot of lens for a

    relatively small amount of money.


    Jim Williams

  10. This is probably because when the camera is set for this exposure mode all combinations of

    different apertures and shutter speeds will combine to produce the same exposure, i.e., there

    are certain parameters that cannot be exceeded when the main control wheeel is rotated. A

    helpful overview of this can be found in the D200's manual on page 62.

  11. Am I being a little overly sensitive or what? Louis asks a good, logical question, via a Nikon

    forum, about tripods. Juergen Sattlern responds by using the tripod question to tout his

    Canon 5D. Me thinks Juergen needsa to rethink his choise of forums ? he needs to seek out

    a Canon forum.

  12. Shoting RAW files on my D200 produces purple streaks (one per shot) running horozontally the width of

    the picture. Apparently this is the result of the 2 GB CF card because it only does it with this one card, yet

    this is a relatively new card and it doesn't do it on the JPEGS I shoot simultaneously with the RAW. Nor

    does it do it if I shoot just JPEGS to the card.


    I have read at some time what causes this. However, after extensive digging I can't find literature

    addressing this anomaly. I have reformated the card numerous times and the width of the streak has

    decreased but not disappeared. I hate to have to go to the trouble of returning a relatively new card: not

    an offbrand but one of the designer cards on the market.


    Any input would be most appreciated.

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