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Donna Stavis

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Image Comments posted by Donna Stavis


    Gail, thank you. I tried to imagine what he was like. I never met him; he's my grandfather, and I drew this from a the very few photographs I have of him and the scant information I learned about him. When I drew him, I felt like I had a been understanding of who he was. That's never happened before to me.

    Gail, It's so nice to hear from you!!!! I'm determined to go back to drawing it. I really enjoy it, but yes, the year has been busy. How are you?


    Very pretty and sweet presentation of spring, Mari. I love that you turned the tree into an arch for the viewer to look through. I hope you are well. Been a very long time. Donna

    It's a beautiful celebration of life. I like the composition. I can feel the warmth of the sun.


    Hi Mari, so such a long time I haven't been on Photo.net -- when they changed the format. I remember your lovely nostalgic /memory pics. I miss my mom too. This pic is successfully soulful. Hope you are well.

    Happy Holidays

    Mari, Happy Holidays right back to you! Happy, Health New Year! (I wish PN would make this more user friendly). I'll keep checking in and, hopefully, start posting again. Be well, my friend!



    Hi Mari,

    Since the format changed, I am not on here much. I'm glad to have found this lovely scene though the weather has much changed since then. I hope you are well and will have a lovely holiday.

  1. You've got a way with subtle colors and interesting details. The veins in the top leaf particularly intrigue me with its texture. Your title is jarring and begs the question, when we see "bleeding hearts," do we tread softly or stomp on them as easy marks for the baser parts of human nature, particularly with the other meanings of "bleeding hearts," such as "bleeding heart liberals." Well, late at night, and my mind wanders, but the imagine is soft and pleasing.

    Five miles shoes


    Nice shoes on a good palette, but they look reversed -- the right and left.

    I am trying to get used to this new forum, but even commenting on this, I had troubles.

    Nice to see your work, as ususal

    The Maestro

    Hi Gail, A great pose. I love the capture of the strong wings in front like a maestro with his great posture. I also love the softness behind him, the inclusion of his community, the bits of leaves around . He has a strength and this brings joy. I'm sorry my name came up twice. I don't know what that is about or how to edit it out.

    Scaleber Force

    Looks like a lovely place, Alf. There is a visceral feel here – everything watery, damp, refreshing, textures soft, hard to the point I could imagine slipping and bleeding, slimy, ticklish ...waterfalls. It is so difficult to navigate this new site. I wish they would return to what they had before. Hoping things are good with you!
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