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Posts posted by dgfassett

  1. <p>The industries greatest photographers did not haul around 11x14, 8x10, 5x7, or 4x5 cameras as well as the necessary truck load of support equipment only because they wanted more exercise. And why do you think that today's photographers must sell their first child to purchase digital LF digital equipment. The answer then, and the answer today is still, "bigger is better," almost always. It is understandable for a D300 guy or gal to boast about their equipments remarkable resolution and how much it cost. The boast is usually followed by the claim that it is "almost" as good ais film. Everything being equal, which everything never is, bigger is always better. But..... bigger is usually always a great deal more expensive, always more cumbersome, usually more limiting, and most importantly, usually requiring more knowledge and greater professionalism to master. </p>
  2. <p><em> I have been using my 10-20 with my 200 for over a year and am very please with the results. I have always prefered using a wide angle as my primary and have not been disappointed.</em></p>
  3. Same old camera, D200. Same old printer plus one new printer. Same Lightroom

    and Capture NX both with latest ugrades. Same as the original system that

    produced very good prints. Problem. NX prints a bit over exposed but within a

    reasonable range for adjustment using either printer. Problem, Cannot get a

    good print on either printer with Lightroom using new vista machine. Also,

    what information is available regarding the ratings of differing printers that

    would compensate for different printer characteristics.

  4. It would seem to me that with the investment you have made in all that equipment, perhaps you could have also scrapped togerther a few bucks to subscribe to Photo.net. It would also seem that that small investment here might have paid bigger dividends.
  5. I suggest that is is not just an M8 that drives that remarkable feeling of holding a Leica. Damn! You don't even have to shoot one; the nearly silent, solid shutter, the balance, the class, there is nothing else like it. I have a 3F and an M4 which are not used much anymore for work, but are frequently just fondled for the simple pleasure of doing so.
  6. Depemds on what you want to shoot. A single flashlight is capable of producing very attractive and interesting light in the proper circumstances. Two flashlights even more so in some situations. Or no additional light where there is some control over the subject and location. Photography is in part about recording on film or a sensor, what you see in your mind. Depends on what you want to shoot and what your mind saw!
  7. After downloading about 200 of the 250 images from my D200, the transfer was aborted. In the D200 the card was identified as being empty. However, when placing the card in my HP photo printer's CF drive, the missing 50 images were identified and saved back to the computer. When in doubt, try all other options including a trip to your professional digital imaging headquarters.
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