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Posts posted by timmyg

  1. Like all other cameras in manual mode or manual cameras. You need to adjust the shutter speed, apeture and ISO. If you adjusted both shutter and apeture, then you need to try a higher ISO setting. Doubling the ISO (i.e. going from 200 to 400) doubles the sensitivy of the sensor.


    If you are shooting indoors try a minimum ISO of 400.


    To check if the exposure meter is reading correct use a different camera body in manual mode and take a meter reading of the same scene. If the other camera gets a reading works and your XTi doesn't your XTi may have a bad meter.


    If your getting good exposures in auto or one of the semi auto modes, then your meter is fine. You just have to keep adjusting shutter,apeture and ISO to get the proper exposure reading.

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