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Image Comments posted by cornerstone

  1. You did a great job of element separation with focal length. The ledge the the bird is sitting on provided a great opportunity. Even so, the background clutter is somewhat overwhelming to me. Perhaps a little selective burning would help put it in shadows.



    This was taken with Kodak VS100. It's normally quite color saturated

    but for some reason, this shot looks a little dull. I'm using

    Photoshop CS5 and I also have the complete Topaz suite. Any

    suggestions for a method to make this shot "pop" without losing the

    "real feel"?

  2. Very well done! You were obviously dealing with the kind of harsh light that makes photographers want to pull their hair out. You found that delicate balance that made it work.

    Pollen Happy


    This little guy posed for me while I was waiting for the women to get ready for family

    portraits. He seems to be smiling for the camera.

    Shot Glass



    4X5 monorail camera with a (borrowed) Nikon 240mm lens.

    Tmax 400 film processed in Rodinal.

    Two speedlights at 1/64 power on the outer white background triggered

    by audio sensor.

    .22 primer-only bullet breaking the glass and setting off the flash.

    Photoshop for dust removal and cropping only.

    Reflective Memory

    Thanks Catherine. You're right about the crop. I was going crazy trying to put the glass stem on the left third. Unfortunately, that left me with either artifically extending the bacground with photoshop or getting real tight on the top and bottom margins. The final print has the glass stem on center. It's not my preference but it seemed to be the best option.

    Reflective Memory


    The bottom glass is upside down on a dark cloth. There is a pane from a picture frame

    between the glasses. The focal point of the camera is on the plane of it.

  3. I had been waiting for months for the right conditions to shoot this at

    night. Saturday was the largest and brightest full moon of the year so I

    gave it a shot. This was a 2 minute exposure at f22 with a 4x5 camera

    and a 90mm lens. The camera was 9 feet in the air for this one.

  4. I had been waiting for months for the right conditions to shoot this at

    night. Saturday was the largest and brightest full moon of the year so I

    gave it a shot. This was a 2 minute exposure at f22 with a 4x5 camera

    and a 90mm lens.

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