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Posts posted by httpwww.photo.netphoto1664881104

  1. <p>I am shooting with a D300 and a SB-800. Is there a way to fire the SB-800 wirelessly without firing the built in flash of the D300. I am getting light output from the camera that I do not want. I tried the commander setting on the camera but must be doing something wrong if this is possible. I could really use help here. Thanks a ton. </p>
  2. <p>Ok, here's the story. lol. <br>

    I just started shooting in RAW and shot my daughters first birthday in RAW format. LOL I can not import them into iphoto for my wife to print at "Walgreens." They need to be in JPG for her to work with them. I'm in all kinds of trouble. I am using a D300, Mac computer with Elements 6.0 and Bridge. My Iphoto won't open the RAW format so I have to use Bridge and Elements 6.0 to do the convert. I have 349 photos that were taken and would like to convert them all to JPG without having to open each one on it's own. Any help would be greatly appreciated.</p>

    <p>Eric </p>

  3. <p>Can anyone suggest a light bracket for a D300? I am shooting my cousins wedding and would like a new bracket arm. I'm looking for something functional and light. Any ideas?</p>
  4. <p>Pretty simple question does anyone know if Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac supports the D300 Raw format? That is, without having to go through a million hoops to install new plugins.? I would like to be able to buy PE6 and be able to work with my camera RAW format right out of the box. </p>

    <p>Thanks for the help again</p>

    <p>Eric </p>

  5. <p>I want you to know that it's people like you that make me join this site. Thank you so much for all of your help Shun. I'm confident I can do the upgrade. I was just a little worried. Worst comes to worst. I have a back up D50 I can pull out. Thank you so much.</p>
  6. <p>Thank so much for your help Shun. I checked my firmware version last night and it showed something odd. To me anyway. The A: was 1.01 and the B: was 1.03. I Just received the camera from Ritz in the mail last Tuesday. I'm with you that I thought it would have the newest firmware since it was a new camera. I'm not sure whats going on with the firmware. Does the 1.01 and 1.03 make any sense to you?</p>
  7. <p>Thanks for your quick response. That helped a lot. But I have to say, the way you worded the last sentence about following "exactly" the instuructions sacared me. LOL. I've not had my D300 for a week and leave Friday for a Disney tirp. Don't want to screw anything up...Is it that hard to do? Dangerous? I'm a goof ball.</p>
  8. <p>Hello Everyone,<br>

    Alrighty, I'll make it as simple and quick as I can. I just got the MB-D10. SWEET. I have an extra battery for my D300 that I'm using in it now. I have to admit that I don't think I have a reason to worry about the 8fps over the 6fps I get from my spare battery. I would like to move to rechargable AA batteries for my MB-D10. Can anyone tell me which rechargables would be best? Brand? Lith ion or what? I have to admit I know nothing about batteries. <br>

    I also saw a posting from someone saying that they put new firmware on their D300. What in the world? How do I check my version? How do I update.<br>

    Thank you all so much</p>

    <p>Eric </p>

  9. <p>OK I'm trying to figure this out on my own and have lost image quality on a few photos due to my own stupidity. All I am trying to do is down size my photos so that I can post them on this and other websites. Any help you guys could offer would be greatly appreciated. <br>

    PS tryingn to get them to the 1500x1500<br>


    Eric Gindele</p>

  10. <p>Hello,</p>

    <p>I need to purchase a CF card for a D300. I have looked over many sites and seen prices from $15 to $90. Everything from 2gig to 8gig. I have also seen many brands listed. My dilemma is that when I read the reviews on them there is always someone saying that they would not recommend due to picture loss. Are these people just handling them improperly or are there a bunch of products out there to avoid? I don't mind spending the money if I need to on a card, but if there is no reason to go with a cheaper card..why? Also is there really a factor with write speed to a CF card? All in all, any help choosing one would be greatly appreciated. <br>


    Eric Gindele</p>

  11. Ok, I need some help here. I'm looking for a Macros lens. I think. I know what I would like to be able to

    do, take photos of insects and flowers...very small things. I'm not sure which lens I should go with. I have

    tried to do some research, but it seems that every lens is someones favorite. For example I've see a lot of

    photos with..lets say bees or butterflies that are so close up it's amazing. I can't spend a ton of money

    right now but would like to still see what I could get. I have a D50, a Nikkor AF 28-80mm, and a Sigma

    70-300mm right now. I would be thankful for any help. Any photos you could provide as examples when

    speaking of lenses would be great.



  12. I'm going to pick up the D300 next week. Does anyone know if the lenses I currently have for my D50 will

    fit the D300? It would be nice to keep them for use on the D300.



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