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Image Comments posted by valkiria



    Ai grija la decupaje! Sunt cam negljente... Si ma refer mai mult la celelalte poze de genul acesteia.


    Ai vrut ca acul sa intepe musca?! In cazul asta proportiile mainii si ale seringii sunt mult prea mici fata de musca. Dar daca ai vrut ceva fictiv, e okay.


    Poate as desatura aproape complet turcoazul de pe seringa.


    In rest, ideea e draguta. Resuscitare; sau o musca ce-si intoarce dosul pentru a primi Moldamin :) Auci.


    Sulky... :) It needs a huuug! ooooh... Have never seen a cat with eyes of different colors. I think the eyes need more focus.

    The fishman...

    Fishmanu' tau si mai ales pasarea sunt cam "plate", 2d, nu prea au volum... Plus ca "domnul animal" nu sta, pare ca ar cadea. Macar de-ar fi o tensiune in bratul stang ca sa para ca se sprijina de chestia aia, care nu stiu exact ce e... In rest imi place ideea, tonaltatea, albul, tipatul, chiar si elementele la care se mai poate lucra si senzatia usoara de desen.


    This is a rare picture! It does not look old only because of the texture and b&w... but the composition! So 50's-80's, I don't know exactly the years... One of the very few pieces I fell in love with lately.

    being hated..

    Why are you stealing photos and post them like they would be your own? This is not Hi5! And worse, some people might not realise you are doing that. This is NOT Hi5!

    Ed No. 3

    He's not relaxed. The picture might have been way better if he hadn't been so rigid. Look at his neck and his right arm's muscles. Pitty... he's got a beautiful body.

    Butterfly Queen

    you got some good photos there.. for example your "The last butterfly" is kind of nice.. but this...... sorry, but I find this kitschy. Mind me or not, I'm a simple viewer yet.


    The skull continues with the hand and gives the impression of a whole, of a kid (sheep cub). You see that especially with your eyes half-opened. :)

    Margot I

    Yup, you are very lucky to have such a model. BUT! She does have a resemblance to me with Nabukov's Lolita, if you've read his book. And that's because her nakedness, beauty and the innocence in her age. I somehow don't agree with this kind of pictures with children.. maybe I don't really understand this picture's message. Othewise, I very enjoy the other pieces of your work. Buh-bye!
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