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Posts posted by whathisname

  1. <p>I think the greatest asset of the new Diana F+ is the pinhole option. Othervise I'd go with modifying your Holga for more interesting effects.</p>

    <p>I have both Diana F+ and Holga and I think unmodified cameras they're pretty much the same in terms of image quality (if such word can be used with these cameras). Holga seems more durable and it doesn't have film advancing problems I have with Diana F+ in very cold days (I think the problem is that extreme cold shrinks different plasitics differently making the winder know VERY stiff).</p>

    <p>Here are three example photos:</p>

    <p><a href=" Trainspotting F+</a><br>

    <a href="http://holga-blog.blogspot.com/2007/10/countryside.html">An unmodifed Holga</a> (sorry about the small size)<br>

    <a href="http://holga-blog.blogspot.com/2011/01/im-awake.html">Holga with aperture mode</a> </p>

  2. <p>In addition to getting ISO 400 film I suggest that you modify your Holga so that the sunny-setting actually does something. If I remember correctly all you need is a screwdriver with a fine tip, tweezers to pick up the aperture from it's place and some glue to put it in its right place.<br>

    Google "holga aperture modification" and you should find plenty of tutorials. </p>

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