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Image Comments posted by phil_bornemann

  1. I am one of those owners that lets his cats run free! Beautiful picture by the way. For years my garden was devastated by gofers eating the berry's and biting chunks out of my tomatoes, the rabbits, of course were much more damaging to everything including the cabbage. after trying fences of various designs and heights I was about to give up. Then one winter A feral cat showed up at the bird feeder and caught a shrew that was one less problem. I spent a year coaxing that cat and its friends by leaving food and water out. Now after eight years the cat lives in my garage and her great great granddaughter guards my garden every summer. Now I do not need any fence and can plant cabbage any where and it is not touched. I recommend cats to all my gardening friends. I can't wait for the first sign of spring... a dead baby bunny at my back door!!
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