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Image Comments posted by jstanford


    I've seen several star trail photographs, but this is one of the more interesting ones. I like the different colors in the foreground and the way the stars create the circle - haven't seen that too often. Very nice.

    New River


    Please critique!


    The red in the foreground is due to a bonfire off to the back left of

    the camera. The distant light is probably due to the moon and light

    pollution from a city.


    What is good or bad about framing?

    What do you think of the tree at the top left?

    Ice Patterns


    I brushed the snow off the ice where a stream meets the river and

    found several interesting patterns due to the way it froze. Let me

    know what you think






    hi tim


    Its interesting; I like the textures and the words on the wall. It seems to me that it might be a little under-saturated or something, but it's otherwise okay



  1. I wasn't driving; I was in the backseat...but if you want to think of me as skilled enough to drive and take a 30-second shot of traffic while holding the camera decently skilled, go right ahead. :D




    I think the color is very good, adds a lot of interest to the photograph. The textures are also very interesting. Nice job!



    A very interesting photo, it does indeed create the effect you wanted. And your english is very good. Mieux que le francais que je peux ecrire.





    It's soft, but I like it. I think it is better soft than if it were in sharp focus. The softness fits the girl, somehow. It has a nice aesthetic quality. nice job!


    which tube, by the way? London Underground or some other city?



    Metal Bits


    Thanks for your comments! I did not try either of the ideas you suggested, so next time it is cloudy enough outside for this to work, I'll experiment some more. Thanks again



  2. I like the atmosphere and textures of this photo. It feels old and it should. Great job!


    If you were to change anything, try cropping the top so the metal bar frames more of the photo. That may make it look a bit more powerful.





    so I looked at this photo for a while and tried to decide what I think.

    I think the tilt adds some interest to what may have been a rather mundane shot, with the lighting as it stands. I don't really like the silhouette edit since some city lights are still obvious...

    It looks like what you saw. I know I've noticed that a city appears somewhat dark, at dusk, while the sky is still very bright on the horizion, which is what seems to be happening here.

    I think this is a photo you can certainly look at for a while. It doesn't have the "oh-wow-look-at-the-ansel-adams-photo" type of appeal or effect, but it isn't something you can dismiss. You do look at it and think about it, which photographs should do.

    Its not the worst picture in the history of this website, and its not the best, but I think its decent.

    by the way, Thanks again



    I like the long exposure and the effect it has on the water. The lighting is also good. See if you like it better if you crop the bottom so the little blob of sticks is gone. Great shot



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