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Posts posted by jenn_noveck

  1. I tried to clean the lens and it didn't make a difference. So unfortunately, I don't think it is debris.


    I have had this camera and lens just under two months, I assume that I cannot exchange past 30 days...so I'll probably have to send it out?



  2. I bought a Nikon D80 kit less than two months ago and something is wrong with my

    lens. At least I think it is my lens, as I know nothing about camera hardware.


    It started when my camera was on macro mode, if I was zoomed to 135mm or any

    zoom at all really, I would hear this quiet squeaking noise.


    Now that quiet squeaking noise has become louder, especially on macro mode, but

    when zoomed is happening on other modes as well. The camera also seems to have

    a hard time focusing when zoomed. Focusing in and out in and out. It made a

    little bit of a louder noise last night when I was taking photos, and then this

    morning it was really bad. It hasn't been dropped or anything like that.


    It works fine if I do not zoom at all nor does it make any noises.


    I have been in Tibet for the past two weeks and it is incredibly dry here, could

    this have anything to do with it? Do you need to keep lenses lubricated in dry

    climates? (These may seem silly but I really do not know). Maybe it needs a

    good cleaning?


    Any ideas, suggestions would be helpful.


    I am in China, but I bought the kit here and I have the international warranty,

    so hopefully I can just exchange it or have it sent away if it is a more serious

    problem. (But, I'm in China so it may not be that easy because it never is).

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