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Posts posted by charlie_meyer

  1. It depends on what you are 'prime'arily shooting.


    OK, I'm a film rangefinder, specifically Leica, kinda guy. My camera world is pleasantly frozen round 1955 (IIIc/M3s). For street, I'm very fond of 35mm focal lengths. Wider lenses are much easier to focus. I generally don't go beyond 90mm. I have three of each. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome: I'm fighting the cure.) The 'normal' 50 is kept for available light where speed trumps the convienience of the wider lenses. I used my 135mm one day only in a football stadium. Bag weight.


    Zoom lenses on the film SLR I have, I found to be sloooow and a terrible compromise. Were I digital, I'd think I'd be worried about noise from jacking up the ASA to make zooms usable.


    Your mileage may vary...

  2. "It's like if I went to a vet and he said "Geez, what an ugly dog you've got, should be put down...but hey, I'm going to do you a favor and treat him anyway"."


    You couldn't be more wrong! Apart from expert advice, service, and repairs, which have been spot on, Sherry adopted a rescue dog and supports rescue. Were I to use a veterinarian analogy, Sherry is like the best vets I see (and in rescue I see lots of them): "If this were my dog/lens/camera, this is what I would do..."and then put her decades of experience and superlative standards to do it right. Just like the vet who, while spaying a dog of mine years ago, found a potentially fatal hidden injury to her spleen, fixed it, and didn't take me to the cleaners.


    When I need the services of a professional, I'd want someone like Sherry to give me the straight facts, not whisper sweet nothings in my ear. I'm rolling my M3 kit through her this year. Highest recommendation.

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