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Image Comments posted by n_n



    Interesting shape - are those intestines? ;)


    Perhaps a more thoughtful use of composition (placement within the frame, angle) and color/contrast/lightning could have improved this a notch?

  1. Beautiful colors, good use of perspective with all the lines converging on the center, and nice composition - having the bottom third black works well.


    However, score for originality is not that high: we may not have seen this particular photo before, and yet we recognise it all too well. Perhaps trying to do this sort of thing with a twist might be fun?


    Technically good, I like the high amount of detail in the clouds throughout the picture, and contrast is also good. The very central, blue-sky portion works expecially well.

  2. commented on your other photo from the same site ages ago, hadn't seen this one.. actually, I think this angle works just as well, even though you loose some of the "maw from hell spewing five tongues"-feel you get from the other version..


    on the other hand, I feel there is more movement in this one, and it feels more complete, since the roof isn't as heavily cropped (btw, I use the term whether you cut something off in camera or afterwards, perhaps I am in error there..)



    ok, this is way off topic, and there's probably not a lot of ppl that will know what I' talking about, but anyway:


    Seeing the carnage here reminds me of Nine Inch Nails.. esp. the latest album, the Fragile, in particular the track "we're in this together".. no, not the title itself, but the feeling of the track.. struggle & facing a not so friendly world.


    well, just thought I'd add to the wall of sound.. this chaos of information is almost a piece of art in itself. Few can keep any overview anymore, and the discussion loses itself in a maze of directions and purposes.



    Dustin - yes, that was indeed the one! Obviously fake, but a good joke! ;-)


    And btw, someone said that the Elves should choose photos that do not spark as much controversy.. Well, their intention is obviously to get a lot of discussion going - if you look at past choices.. The point being, they probably want controversy on photographic issues (eg, should this picture be taken or not?), but they try to avoid political issues.


    This thread is unfortunately close to a flame war, but several times before good subjects have been discussed at length, such as the "eternal question" of whether a digitally manipulated photo is still a photo or a "digi-image", etc.


    The weeks where a good, technically and compositionally perfect, non-controversial photo was chosen, the discussion was dull indeed.


    I'm all for controversy - provided the discussion that follows is good, creative and interesting - and polite, without flaming!



    Honestly, it's the same thing many weeks: people complaining on the POW choice instead of discussing the photo.. also, the observation that while technique and composition is often effectively critiqued, other aspects are less so - albiet with a few exceptions.


    And Samuel Dilworth, so far I've only seen you dispend (rather harsh) judgement on photographs - I find it a nice surprise to see you vent the humanitarian sentiment I feel myself when reading the cynical and heartless judgement of the many that *every* beggar is a scam, a bluffer, worthy of no compassion.


    As for the photo - I guess I'm still not jaded enough not to feel a stir at the text on the one-legged mans note. It may not be the greatest picture I've seen in my life, but it stirred me a little, which is more than most do.


    On a lighter note, I saw a photo last year (just after the dot.com death) with a note that said "will code html for food". Had a few laughs at that one!


    and yes, before anybody looks at my photos - I know, they're not Cartier-Bresson either.. Should try and get some of my newer stuff up once I get my hands on a scanner.

    Daniil II

    Doug - you took the words out of my mouth! Thought it was a painting all along, and the colours really remind one of Rembrandt. Could the photographer perhaps fill us in with a bit more background?
  3. Stunning landscape, great composition - to get it on film isn't as easy as some may think! ;)


    As for the haze, to me it makes this look like a real landscape instead of the cliche, rather boring type of photo seen in travel catalogues etc. Too perfect can be very boring and rather unattractive.

    Coming Storm


    Frank - and who cares if the colors are "unnatural"? so is B&W.. so is velvia. And doing the whole landscape in pinks, green and blues might look fantastic, if you knew what you were doing.


    Whoever said photography is only about realism?



    "A conservative is a man who believes nothing should ever be done for the first time."


    - Alfred E. Wiggins


    "I don't agree with what you're saying, but I would defend your right to say it with my life."


    - Voltaire


    Well, it's pretentious ;-) and it might not be read by many, but it sums it up pretty much, I think. Maurice, don't ever let people tell you that you do not belong in photography - nobody has the right to do so!


    Should we let others decide what photography can and cannot be? Never!

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