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Posts posted by kyle_hickman

  1. <p>Bill,</p>

    <p>Thanks for the advice. I think I'm up-to-date on my Canon firmware, but I'll check to be sure!</p>


    <p>I'll look into your suggestions. Supposedly the Opteka VM-200 is great for what I want to do with film, and is the best I can afford right now. I might look into a shotgun mic on a boom, since I would like to do short films once I get a handle on the new equipment.</p>

    <p>Thanks, guys!</p>

  2. <p>Hi everyone,</p>

    <p>I'm getting into video with my Canon 7D and was looking for a few tips or suggestions. I'd like a shoulder rig to help with smooth handheld shots, hopefully one with a follow focus ring. It looks like ePhoto has a decent one, but are there other, maybe better options in the same price range?</p>

    <p>Additionally, I'd like an external mic that I can mount on camera. I'm leaning towards an Opteka VM-200, but as with the rig, does anyone know of better options around the same price?</p>

    <p>I think these two items will provide a great starter kit for video, but if someone has other suggestions for items I should look into, please let me know!</p>



  3. <p>Hello everyone,</p>

    <p>I'm looking into buying a flash and flash bracket that I will use mostly with nature shots, particularly birds. I'm leaning towards the Speedlite 580 EX II with a flash extender for my 500mm lens, but I have no idea what sort of bracket I should use. Does anyone have any suggestions, or think I should choose a different flash? Any help is much appreciated.</p>



  4. <p>Hey everyone,</p>

    <p>I need an affordable tripod that will be able to hold a Canon 40D + the Sigma 50-500mm lens for bird photography. I currently have a Manfrotto 680B Tripod with a 234RC Head, and I'd prefer if I could use the same head on the tripod.</p>

    <p>Any advice? Thanks so much!</p>


  5. <p>I'm looking for some quality (yet affordable) filters for my Canon 40D, and I've seen all sorts of names and suggestions flying around (Tiffen, Hoya, etc) so I would like to get some advice from you fellow Photo.net photographers. I do mostly nature (outdoor) photography, in case that needs to be taken into consideration, and I use Sigma and Canon lenses.</p>

    <p>Any Suggestions?</p>

  6. <p>What setting is easiest to control both aperture and shutter speed? In Av Mode, the shutter speed seems to set automatically and I want to be able to control the shutter speed as well as the aperture.</p>

    <p>Additionally, I'm testing these settings out for bird photography. I want the bird in the foreground to be in focus and the background to appear very blurred. Are there any settings you would suggest for this? I'm using a Canon 40d with a 70-300mm 4-5.6 lens.</p>

    <p>Thanks so much for the help!</p>


  7. <p>Justin,</p>

    <p>You're absolutely correct, I thought the same thing. However, that is what this person has told me. So then perhaps there will be a sign somewhere. Even if there isn't, I don't care. As you said, no one is gonna mess with the photos hanging on the wall in a restaurant.</p>


    <p>Unfortunately I can't bring them prints myself. The company is in Ohio and I'm in Florida.</p>

  8. <p>Luis,</p>

    <p>Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks for checking out my Flickr photos, as well. If you have a Flickr account, send it to me and I'll check your work out, as well. :)</p>


    <p>There will be a warning in the restaurant asking no one else to use the photos without any of the photographer's consent.</p>

  9. <p>Luis,</p>

    <p>Thanks for your input. I actually wouldn't be framing the photos, but rather sending them digitally. Those are just the sizes they will be using. Does this effect your charge estimate? Also, did you mean $1200-1800 per photo or total? And does anyone else think this is a good price to ask?</p>



  10. <p>Hi everyone,</p>

    <p>I had a company contracted by a restaurant chain contact me about using six of my photos on my Flickr website for use in the store of the city the photos were taken. They will only be used in this one store. Four of them will be 11x14, two will be 16x20. They will be matted and framed along with my name and information, as well as a warning against using them without my consent. The company wants to know how much each photo will be to purchase, but I don't have a clue as to how much to charge! This is a chain that is all over the eastern US, but since they will be used in one store, I don't know if that would make the cost any more or less. </p>

    <p>Any suggestions?</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance!</p>


  11. <p>Dave,</p>

    <p>Thanks for the info, I will look into those units. As far as the lens goes, I think the best one out of the few I own would be the 18-55mm. I also have a 50mm, and a 70-300mm, which I don't think would work as best. What other lenses might work well? I'm looking to getting some others, anyway.</p>


    <p>- Kyle</p>

  12. <p>I'm also interested in good equitorial mounts. I have a budget of less than $500, preferably less than that, even. I don't need anything fantastic, I'm not a professional. More or less I just take photos for fun. I have always been interested in photographing the stars, and now have the means to do so. Any suggestions on what I should look into? I have a Canon 40D, if that matters...</p>

    <p>Thanks, everyone!</p>

  13. <p>Thanks for your help. </p>

    <p>To answer your question, I am wanting to shoot nature photography, particularly birds. Unfortunately, purchasing nice zoom lenses is out of the question, I'm a college student who is just able to make ends meet. So, while I could afford to buy a $200 converter, I could not afford a $1000+ lens. It would take me a year or two of saving for that to even be feasible. But perhaps that's what I should do? </p>

  14. <p>Hey everyone,<br>

    I have a Canon EOS 40D that I recently purchased, and I'm interested in getting a Canon 1.4x teleconverter. However, I've read that they don't work with all lenses. Does anyone know if they are compatible with a Sigma 70-300mm 4-5.6 lens? If not, is there anything comparable that would work?<br>

    Thanks so much for your help,<br>


  15. Alright everyone, I just bought a Canon EOS 40d and a 70-300mm lens for it. That lens will have to do for my wildlife photography for now.

    I can't afford buying a super zoom lens. That being said, I would like some tips and tricks on settings for my 40d. I have used a SLR in the

    past, this is my first Digital. So, I don't know much of anything about the settings and I know some of it will best be learned through trial

    and error, but if any of you have any tips I would most appreciate them! I specifically enjoy bird photography. I just don't know of any

    modes to put the camera on, or combinations to try. I also realize that there are more factors to getting a good shot than just modes and

    settings, so any other advice is welcomed as well.


    Thanks in advance!



  16. Hey everyone,


    I've been thinking about purchasing a Rebel XTi 10.1megapixel Digital SLR. I am familiar with SLR format,

    but this will be my first digital SLR. I'm completely assuming it's not that different from film SLRs, but if I'm

    wrong, correct me.


    I'm trying to decide if this is the right camera for me. It's in the right price range, I can't afford much more

    since I'm pretty much a poor college student. :P


    I've read reviews online but I wanted to hear some feedback from people who are into photographing the

    types of things that I like. Here are things I tend to photograph, so see if you guys think this camera setup

    would work well for me:


    Wildlife (Birds in particular)





    If I decide to make the purchase, I am most likely going to get an additional lens, probably a Canon EF

    100-300mm f/4.5-5.6 USM Telephoto Zoom Lens to start with because combined, that and the camera

    will be quite enough money for me to drop at once.


    Thanks for your help everyone!



  17. Thanks guys...I don't really know what you mean when you say "glass." I'm a beginner; about

    all I know about cameras is zooming and shutter speed lol but I did get some ideas out of

    this. I appreciate the help!

  18. Hey everyone, is there a Canon/Nikon "equivalent" to the discontinued Maxxum

    9? I am looking for something in the same price range that has similar if not

    better features. I don't want to buy the Maxxum 9 considering it is no longer

    in production and thus I won't get much help with it should it fail me in any

    way. Also, will the lenses that are compatible with the Maxxum 9 work with any

    of these other SLR's? Thanks! =)

  19. How do photos of birds (or anything really) get enlarged so much if they are

    taken with 35mm film? Or is there another kind of film/camera used for these

    photos? I've always wanted to enlarge some of my bird photos larger than 4x6

    but I'm not sure how to go about this. Thanks!

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