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Posts posted by paula2

  1. Hi Jim,


    I don't think the polaroids are a good idea, some of your bride's have been cut from the picture. I personally don't like the overall look of the website, but that is my taste and I know everyone is different. There are so many good and reasonably priced templates out there that you can customise to your own look, would it not be easier in the long run to use one of these?

  2. Thanks Bob,


    It's good to hear your thoughts on this, this is something I do worry about. I am a Nikon user with 2gb Sandisk cards so this eases me slightly. Still I realise it may be something I have to face sometime.



  3. Hi Ron,



    I had a similar problem with a different program, my computer kept storing virtual copies of the original download and when I upgraded I could not use the program properly, even after deleting everything and installing it again.


    I discovered that I had to do a search on my computer (go to windows icon, search, files and folders) type in lightroom and you will find that even though you thought you had totally deleted it, it will still be there on your computer. I am assuming that you are running Windows Vista, I think this is a particular problem with Vista.



    Hope this helps, Paula

  4. Hi Kimberly,



    This is most definitely a scam, you can tell particularly by the grammar, and there always seems to be some elaborate story attatched to the wedding day. Give yourself a little time and you will start receiving emails like this frequently.


    Do not reply to the email, these emails are sent out in bulk format and replies only let the scammers know that they have a "live" email, info which they can then sell on.

  5. Hi Jamie



    I think you did a great job for your first wedding, it's very nerve wracking photographing your first and I can see that you put thought into your groups.



    I would say that if it's something that you want to keep doing then start learning photoshop. I could see on one of the images with the larger bridesmaid you had tried to smooth out her arm, but there are visible circles of a cloning brush there.



    But well done for giving it a go, Paula

  6. Hi Guys,



    I am having real problems with my Page Gallery upgrade. I tried to upload the

    latest update to my computer, and my computer shows that I have the updated

    version but when I try to run it, it shows the old version?



    I have tried deleting it completely form my machine, running a registry cleaner

    and uploading a new version, but still I cannot see the new templates that are

    in the updated version. I have tried emailing about this to Yervant's company

    but as I kept saying it is not uploading the new version, they just stopped

    responding to my emails. I am tearing my hair out trying to figure out what to




    I am running windows vista, and it somehow seems to be storing a copy of the

    first version somewhere on the machine, as I am not very technical when it

    comes to computers I have no idea where to look to stop this from happening

    over and over again.<br>

    I would be really grateful if anyone could give me some advice on what to do.



    Many thanks, Paula

  7. Hi Shawn,


    I went in Scotland last year and I loved the "banter" between the two of them....

    They were great to listen to, yes take a pad and pen but I doubt if you'll be writting too much.

    Yervant is very honest about how he creates his images, showing the original and then his Actions.

    You just know when he takes his image he knows exactly what It will look like, and exactly what section of Page Gallery it will end up on inside his album software.

    But then again, he is a Master Photographer....

    They made me laugh actually, as Yervant always shoots on Manual, and Joe always shoots on Program.....that I found amazing...

    Both kept challenging that "M" stood for "Master"....& "P" for "Proffessional"...

    The obvious thing was that no matter what either program they used, they still delivered.

    On a last note, no I would not take my camera, there was no poses etc to observe. Just good old fashioned chatting!





  8. Hi Benny,


    I think that most wedding photographers have one or two primes in their kit bag. Whilst this might not be the lense of choice the majority of the time I think most togs still pull them out! Wahae!


    I myself have a 50mm f1.8 and a 85 f1.4 which I has now started to take over from my nikon f2.8 70-200 for a lot of situations. I just love the beautiful images that it gives me.



  9. Hi Karen


    If you feel confidant enough about taking on such a task and feel passionatley that you can produce something that you will be proud of then you should go ahead with the wedding.


    But to reach that place I think you should practise and perfect your technique as much as you can, and at the moment you have that time.


    Use your friends, anyone you can think of to practise fill flash with.

    You say you have 2 SB800's I myself use the Nikon System and have always used my flash off camera at a 45 degree angle to subject, but I have been fortunate to always have someone assist me at my weddings and hold my flash where I ask.


    You could use one as the master on your D200 (not firing)and the other (as the only flash working) in TTL Mode, using the master to compensate (increase or decrease a stop) as needed.


    Also for your posing of shots, have a look at photographers that you admire. Write down about 6-10 shots that you really like for each situation, Bride at home, Groom & family before wedding, Ceremony, Formals, Bride & Groom alone, First Dance, Cake, Venue, Gifts etc...


    If I were you I would not accept any money for this wedding, but think of it as a springboard for your future career and a wonderful chance to build your portfolio. But I am not you and therefore you must make up your own mind.


    I am not a seasoned pro by any manner of means, I myself just started wedding photography this year. Although I have been learning photography for quite some time, but nothing really prepares you for wedding photography!


    I do know that you need confidence in your abilities, wether or not you are self taught. You have to be a calm presence and able to direct indivduals and crowds, people at weddings seem to check their thought process in at the door!


    I wish you all the best, Paula

  10. Thank you everyone for your help, yes I was on the correct channel and group.


    Nick, I did not realise the sensor window was located by the battery door, I thought it was the front sensor that had to see the su-800. I think you might have solved my problem!



    Thank you so much! Paula

  11. Hi Everyone,



    My problem is that I was photographing a couple of weddings these past two

    weeks and have been using my Nikon speedlight system (something I am just

    becoming familiar with) as it is November in Scotland which is pretty dark and



    I have been trying to keep all my flash off camera, hence buying the su-800,

    using it with my SB-800. My problem is that my SB-800 just stopped working? I

    changed the batteries in both units before leaving the house so I know that's

    not the issue.


    When it stopped comunicating I grabbed my SB-800 and popped it on top of my

    camera and it was fine. I thought it might be the signal as I was outside so I

    tried to make sure they could see each other, but still nothing.


    And yet when I went inside to do some formals they worked brilliantly with no

    problems over and over again?


    I would be really grateful if anyone has any idea what might be going on, or

    what I might be doing wrong.



    Many thanks, Paula

  12. Thanks for the comments everyone, Paul yes I have been cropping out the negative space as I was pulled up about that previously when posting on here. (see I do listen!)


    Thanks, for your comments Justin, coming right back at you, I love your site your images are very warm and natural.




  13. Hi everyone,



    this was my 5th and last wedding of 2007. I have learned so much this year

    since my first wedding in May. I have been reading this forum and my

    photography books daily always trying to improve myself. I love wedding

    photography, its exciting, nerve wracking and exhilarating all at the same

    time. Not to mention the physical work you go through! I would be grateful if

    you could take a look and give me your opinion.


    Any advice on where I might improve would be appreciated.



    Thank you for your time.<a


    PageNum_Recordset1=1&eventID=105940&galleryID=152655"> Paula Veverka


  14. Hi Everyone,



    this was my 4th wedding and my first winter wedding (Scotland in November!). I

    use the Nikon Speedlight system and was practiscing like mad before hand,

    mostly successfully I'm hoping! All flash was off camera.


    I used the lightphere (cloud) and was also using a silver brolley, but I am not

    too sure about the success of the brolley.


    I can feel a lot of my images coming together much more now, my eye is starting

    to know what It's looking for. "Seeing the light", is becoming more clear

    although It's not quite crystal yet.


    I have tried to take on board the comments from my last wedding and I hope that

    this shows an improvment. I would really appreciate some feedback about any

    problem areas you may think I have as I have another wedding next week and

    would not like to repeat any mistakes.



    Thank you for taking the time to look through.






    <a href="http://www.photobiz.com/portfolio/layouts/1/welcomepage.cfm?

    eventID=102339&galleryID=147661"> 4th Wedding</a>

  15. Hello Bakari,



    I think that you website looks great, but Williams suggestion is a good idea in that you should set up another site to deal only with your videography. You can link your two services by having a page on both sites called "Other Services" or whatever suits your taste. It looks more professional and gives the impression of a bigger company.


    You should also take a look at the spelling of your copyright on some of the slideshow images, their is an (a) missing from photography.




  16. Thank you for your response I have spent most of today updating the HTML site to the flash, hopefully now when people enter they will look very similar.

    Some clients do not seem to have an updated flash player and either do not know how to update or are to afraid of touching their computer! So the HTML site does come in handy.

    But thank you again any advice is much appreciated,


  17. Hi everyone,


    I know that some people must be tired of the same questions but I would be

    grateful for a response to my new splash addition to my webpage.


    I have had some feedback from clients telling me they could not access the

    flash site, with the new splash addition I have been able to add in my old HTML

    site which I put a lot of work in to originally.


    I would be very grateful for any advice or comments to the site, as looking

    through my own eyes or those of my family and friends does not always tell the

    best truths, and the view from the other side is what I really need to see.


    Many thanks,




  18. Hi,

    I would be very grateful if anyone could give me advice on shooting a large

    group of people on location in winter.


    I am shooting a wedding in November, the wedding takes place at 3pm and the

    light will be gone by 4pm. My formals will probably start shooting at 3.45 when

    the light is practically gone altogether.


    My question is... the Nikon creative lighting system.....is two SB800 mounted

    on stands with shoot thru/reflective brolleys powerfull enough to light a large

    group outside/inside? I know that the Bride would like a group photograph of

    about 80 guests outside on the steps of her venue, weather permitting.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    Many thanks, Paula

  19. William I would much prefer you didn't hold back!....LOL


    All joking aside, I really appreciate you taking the time to go through my images and critique them. That's why I posted them here,

    I'm here to learn and improve myself and constructive criticsim is what I'm looking for. Thank you for your comments I will take on board the points that you have made.


    Thanks, Paula

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