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Posts posted by sonbou_abc

  1. Anyone has ever used the infrared transmission of the K-r for anything interesting?

    A bluetooth port would it be more useful. I could send images to my smartphone to upload it in my

    facebook. I would love that!!

  2. <p >In January of 2006 I bought my K10D in Houston Camera Exchange. It was a miracle because they had only one camera and I was the first to ask. I couldn’t find any other Pentax DSLR in all Houston.<br>


    <p >I agree that this situation in the most important cities of the world is very disappointing and discouraging.</p>


  3. <p>I can’t believe how soft is my Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC. Even at high F number. For me is deceiving.<br>

    I hope that newer models, even at higher price, will be sharper because I agree that this focal length can produce striking images with exaggerated perspective.</p>

  4. I expect from Pentax to be a serious company; with values that encompass respect for the human rights and environment protection.


    That's what I ask to a company that expects to obtain my confidence. And I also make mistakes but I'm a capable of rectifying or express regret in some manner because I try to be sensible to my customer's opinion.


    It's a personal choice and I only ask Pentax to chance the marketing company that will make the future K30D brochure. Thank you.

  5. Very interesting,


    I'm from Spain. I respect the different points of view that have been posted in this forum.


    I agree that this is not the place to begin neither a political thread, nor to explain how it feels like to have suffered the oppression of a fascist dictatorship (in the past or in the "present").


    I liked what Robert said: "I do find it puzzling from a marketing standpoint".


    Thanks to everybody for the comments and let's get over it,



  6. Why is Pentax using a reference of the Spanish dictatorship on its K20D



    Is it only me, or is this offensive to someone else?


    Pentax brochure








    Franco and Hitler





    Why Pentax doesn?t want to answer to this question when I write to them?<div>00PMz1-43274384.jpg.01a3ab3e3b38981917587970436028d4.jpg</div>

  7. Javier,


    No doubt, replace it! I have a K20D and a Canon G9. Both are great and complementary. In my opinion, you made the best choice and you will not regret to buy it again. I?m completely sure about this and I recommend G9 to anyone that needs a ?real? camera for birthdays and parties.

    Good luck! (from spain)

  8. Be very careful with duplicators. I have the sigma 2x (with AF and everything...) and I barely used because it takes a lot of light. For this reason, If you only need 1.4x don't get 2x. And if you can effort a new lenses don't use a duplicator (for sure).


    1- You own really good lens;

    2- For whatever reason, You don't have to mind for light;

    3- Just experimenting.



  9. I made a mistake buying (6 months ago)


    Pentax D-FA 50 f/2.8 Macro Auto Focus Lens,


    because what I want is to take pictures of insects.


    I have "never" used and I'm thinking to change it for a 180mm macro.

  10. DNG




    Probably transfer to card faster





    Same quality


    Smaller files (more pictures with same card)



    My conclusion= I will use PEF.


    Thank you very much,



  11. What do you thing about this?


    "Skylight is an UltraViolet absorbing filter that helps overcome the abundance of blue in outdoor photographs. Not really necessary in digital photography as the camera's white balance system adjusts for the colour temperature of the scene"

  12. It very interesting what you say about "neutral density"!


    "The effect of graduated neutral filter can be reproduced by shooting two images with different exposure and combining the results in computer. This works up to some point. "


    I know how to blend two images but I don't quite understand yet how it works to get more deapth of field...

    I will have to practice.



    Thank you very much.

  13. I will buy an "skylight" filter like I had in the past. I love the results that I get with this filter in PS (in Nik Color collection).


    Is there really a big difference between all options available?


    Multi-Coated Glass Filter & Ultra Thin


    Super Multi-Coated Glass Filter


    Pro 1 Digital Super Multi-Coated (S-HMC) Glass Filter

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