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Posts posted by petewelsh

  1. <p>Thank you guys .. much appreciated... I think I have made my decision.. I think I can create better photos with the gear I already have and a bit of improvisation and perhaps spend the money on a wide angle lens .. All the best<br>


  2. <p>I am considering buying a ring flash for my Macro Photography but would like to know if you guys think I am wasting my money.<br>

    I have 2x normal flashguns which I carry around with me and also a set of lights here at home. Do you believe that a ring flash is necessary for macro or can I get as good as or better results from normal flash/reflectors/longer exposures outside or in my small studio.. <br>

    The Macro flash was over £500 when I last looked and could really spend the money elsewhere..<br>

    Thank you all<br>


  3. I must admit I have been thinking about getting this lens for the K10d and ist I own ..

    The photos composition etc are good but I dunno if it is my computer or what but you appear to have lost a lot of definition/detail in feathers and the like.. the first 2 photos have a lot of chromatic aberration which could have been PS'd out.. I get a similar problem at the top end of my sigma 70-300.. I am now considering just getting a straight 500mm but I want to see some results from it first. The photos are great just spoilt by the lack of detail/sharpness..


    I'll hold on to my pennies for a bit longer I think



  4. I agree with Paul Noble, the battery indicator on the K10d is a bit of a waste of time. I now always carry two spare batteries and also try to remember to charge them up after every use.. I also invested in the base unit which also holds a battery and the camera automatically switches between the two batteries. It is a real shame that the indicator is not accurate, I also have an *ist and the battery indicator on this is pretty good.
  5. Our local club is having a "in club" photography competition with the subject

    being "A Record Shot".<p>


    I am having difficulty in defining the word "Record".. In my opinion every photo

    I take is a record of something..<p>


    The definition given by the person deciding the category has informed everyone

    that it is " Any building or inanimate object presented in an objective way

    without artistic interpretation or manipulation by the photographer. The subject

    will normally fill the full frame. Appropriate lighting may be used to enhance

    the subject but should not add pictorial content. "<p>


    I prefer this definition - "Record photography is concerned with portraying

    facts. Every image must convey as much factual information about the subject as

    possible pushing artistry from the main focus to a minor priority." So what sort

    of photo do I enter?

  6. Is it correct that with the firmware upgrade to 3.0 I can instantly view

    pictures on PC as I take them?? (as I have seen done in Large studios)?

    I have looked on Pentax website nut got lost in there and theres nowhere to ask

    this question .. Thankyou in advance..

  7. J Anon Hi - I don't think I mentioned UV Filter <p>Lens is pentax DA 18-55mm - <p>filter cokin ND8 - <p>it does it with raw and jpg - <p>tried all available WB on the camera.. <p>Several variations of shutter speed and f stops - this example picture was f22 for 1 second <p> I have tried using raw and altering WB in photoshop, I came close to correct colors but they were still not right.. (this could be my inexperience with PS)<p> Robert -Hi <p> Do you think that IR would give this result .. <p> The thing is that at the end of the day what I am trying to say is if I had a Canon or nikon or even a K100 I would not be having this problem. Fit the filter - take the same picture with same settings and its perfect (well the colours are at least :) .. )<p> Thanks for your views and ideas on this problem. ~Pete~
  8. I have recently bought a pentax Ist DL and have just bought a ND Filter to take

    pictures of rivers ,beaches and streams etc with longer exposures on the waves

    and rapids.. the problem I have is seen on this picture ..



    When I use the filter it turns the trees a sort of magenta/red colour.


    <p>I spent all day yesterday and also today taking pictures in the same area

    chaning all my white balance, taking off the skylight filter trying different

    camera settings speed etc but the excercise was fruitless..


    <p>I am now turning to the more knowledgable people here on photonet in the hope

    they can help ... Pentax support said that it is normal for a digital camera to

    change the colour ? ? ? The camera shop I bought the camera at says it should

    not be happening .. I even called on a friend and fitted the filter to his

    digital camera to test it ... Guess what .. It came out fine.. Can anyone

    enlighten me plz .. Why would this happen? has anyone had a similar problem and

    solved it ..


    <p>I have been to the shop where I bought it and they say it shouldnt happen..

    but it does.. It also does it on a K100.. but not on a K10 or Canons or Nikon.

    Pentax have basically told me tough luck and that all Digital cameras have this

    problem which I know for a fact is a lie. I am obviously not happy with this

    response and attitude so am taking it further. Consider this when buying a

    Pentax Ist or K100..

  9. Thankyou guys, I took the Camera and filter to the shop today. They tried it on a pentax K100 And on a new Pentax Ist body, it done exactly the same thing.. BUT on a pentax K10 there was no discolouration at all the filter and the camera both done thier jobs correctly.. <p> Needless to say the shop is very confused, I am very disappointed and Pentax are pleading insanity.. <p> One of the main things I want the camera to do is take long exposures of water/waves/rivers and I cannot use a ND filter on it.. <p> I am considering returning the camera body. <p> If anyone has come across this problem please contact me .. Thank you
  10. I am having problems with Colour when using a ND filter.. <p> I have a pentax

    Ist DL and have just bought a ND Filter to take pictures of rivers and streams

    etc.. the problem I have is this

    http://www.photo.net/photo/6181632 <p>

    When I use the filter it turns the trees a sort of magenta colour. <p>I spent

    all day yesterday and also today taking pictures in the same area chaning all my

    white balance, taking off the skylight filter trying different camera settings

    speed etc but the excercise was fruitless.. <P> I am now turning to the more

    knowledgable people here on photonet in the hope they can help ... Pentax

    support said that it is normal for a digital camera to change the colour ? ? ?

    The camera shop I bought the camera at says it should not be happening .. I

    even called on a friend and fitted the filter to his digital camera to test it

    ... Guess what .. It came out fine.. Can anyone enlighten me plz .. Why would

    this happen? has anyone had a similar problem and solved it ..


    <p> <P> Thankyou for any help or advice you can give me <P> ~Peter~

  11. M Barbu you have a valid point it does look bad. In my defence :) most of the photos I did not critique as I felt they didnt need any or I could not and would not known how to have done better, as I rated them with a 6 or a 7.. I only try to critique or make suggestions when firstly the person needs help or a pointer and secondly some of other ones I rated I do not have enough experience or knowledge in to offer help or advice.. Just to type a critique saying "I do not like this picture" or "wow" doesnt really help anyone and is waste of time as are the 3/3 or even 4/4 ratings with no critique.. I can see your point in how you have read my stats and have not taken offence to it. Fred Goldsmith ratings and critiques are an example of what I would like to see in PNet not "Great Picture" and marked with a 6/6 even when the picture is either out of focus, burnt out or obviously too dark.. Regards ~Peter~
  12. Narrow minded they may be (must be a personal thing).. I havent noticed.. What I have noticed is I get at least 3 very helpful critiques with every picture I post not just "nice picture","cool" Or 98% of the time no critique at all from here.. I am not saying PNet is bad it has just become a waste of time looking for help or advice on here any more... It is very rare now. After saying that there are still some people prepared to give critique and advice.. Carol I think Juha answered for me www.photosig.com you get to have a free go.. try it and see..
  13. ""My last 4 posts have a total of 1 comment,"" as many as that I never had one commentout of 4 pictures yesterday, I had the usual 3/3 and no comments. I mentioned this in a similar post a week or two ago but it was suggested that it was my imagination.. I have now started weaning myself off of Pnet and am slowly moving to Psig where people have to comment if they wish to post pictures themselves.. the rating system is a bit strange but it get me the advice i need instead of blank pages with no comment...
  14. Sorry but I have to agree with Matt - For $25 (even with the 3/3 raters) you get more than your monies worth on PNet.. My Advice - Dont be so tight, do without a pizza or macdonalds and join the gang here. If you joined a photography club to learn more it would cost more than that per year..
  15. Thanks to all for your comments. Paul I was more concerned about the number of comments 1 person out of 44 bothered to take time to add a comment/critique/tip ... rating mean nothing really especially without a critique or a tip on how to get it better, although its nice to see your name in the top photographer slots.. The comments are what helps people to learn. I also agree with Tim Holte about learning from peoples portfolios and I can often be found nosing through them..

    Again I thank you for your comments I am now off to look through your portfolios and learn :)

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