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Image Comments posted by jaydenn1

    Wild Daisy

    Very cool. I've never seen a daisy that looks like that. I agree with Alberta P about the lack of communication and feedback. How can a beautiful shot like this have so many views and no comments? Keep up the good work.


    After leaving a wonderful compliment on one of my macro shots I decided to have a look at your portfolio and came across this shot. It's very similar to the photo of mine that you recently commented on! There are a few small differences but still close to the same. Hope you don't think I was trying to steal your style! Very nice shot and wonderful portfolio. Best wishes!
  1. I think this shot is good the way it is and does give you a good sense of the size of the waves that day. I also think though that if you would have been zoomed in tighter you still would have still gotten a sense of the size because of the huge wall of whitewater behind him.
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