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Posts posted by k-joe

  1. Yes "mars c" to some of your inquiries. While here in the States I was hoping to fix it for my dad since he told me that Fuji Service was unwilling to send him a door unless he was a camera service technician. The local camera stores here (Oklahoma) are unwilling to touch it. If all else fails I'll try to get one when I head back to East Asia. But that's an uncertainty too. I tried searching the web and couldn't find anything. Thanks.
  2. Is there any truth to what I'm seeing online that the Olympus FL-36 and the

    Panasonic FL360 are actually the same flash? By the way, I could only find

    one thread at dpreview which addressed this question which many FZ50 users

    seem to have.





    If it will help, I've already concluded that there are no third party flashes

    enabling a person to use TTL flash functions. I've looked at sigma, metz, and

    sunpak and they all seem to be compatible in "autoflash" mode. I was

    interested in the sunpak 383, but if there's any truth to this Olympus-flash-

    compatibility thing then I'll go the route of the FL-36. Please if anyone has

    information to the contrary let me know. Also, if it's true that Olympus

    flashes are compatible then wouldn't it seem logical that third party flashes

    with olympus mounts also be compatible?


    Please help. Thank you in advance.

  3. Thank you for all the help in making my selection. I went to the little electronics bizarre here in Seoul (around 70~100 camera shops all clustered together in three city blocks) and just my luck not a single store had either the Ricoh GRD or Canon G7. Apparently the popularity of both cameras ran the supplies down and we're waiting for the next shipment to hit Korea. Anyway, thanks again for all the help and hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have added a G7 to my arsenal.
  4. FZ50? Alternatives? (Category:Panasonic)

    I'm trying to get a lightweight alternative to my Eos D30 which will produce,

    from a technical standpoint, acceptable pictures for under $700. I've done

    some searches on "best P&S" and they all seem to be outdated. I'm curious what

    you (photo.net members) would buy in this price range in the fixed lens

    digital category.


    1. This camera will probably accompany me on a daily basis stuffed in my

    backpack. Up to now, to fill this void, I've been using a little cybershot dsc-

    t3 and just flat-out-hate-it. I'm in Korea and there have been so many photo

    opportunities I've missed because I could lug my 30D around with me. (Don't

    get me wrong, I love my camera.)


    2. I think most P&S have RAW capabilities in this price range, but honestly,

    this really isn't a factor.


    3. lower focal lengths are more important than extreme 300mm~400mm range...


    Thank you in advance.

  5. Thank you for the response. I'm in South Korea at the moment and the 85 1.2L goes for around $1850 (1,750,000won) with hood/case, which while barely being within my reach, following your advice, the f1.8 seems the smarter choice. I've had such great results with the 50mm f1.4 that I'm really looking forward to picking up this lens. On a sidenote, due to the popularity and the rather dumpy shape of the 85 1.2L II, people here affectionately call it the "mandu" which is a big meatfilled dumpling.


    Again, many thanks.

  6. Tag Question:


    I'm a long time reader-first time poster here at photo.net, so if I'm breaking with protocol by tagging on and not starting a new thread, by all means let me know.


    I have the same question as the original only targeted at 30D users. It seemed like a waste to start a new thread.



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