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Posts posted by jonathan_mckenzie

  1. OK thanks.....now, for a plain 'ol regular person....wanting to take pictures of their kids or maybe a vacation, etc...but wants great photos....would the d80 or the d200 be a better camera? I don't want overkill, but want a good camera with all the bells and whistles that I may need. I plan on taking a photography class to learn more. give me your opinion....pricing aside. Thanks!
  2. If price was not an issue and I was just going to give you for FREE a Nikon

    d70 or d80.....what would you choose? The d70 is NOT the d70s, however, it

    does have the firmware upgrade of the 70s.


    I know both the d70 and d80 have pros and cons.....flash speed, etc.


    So which would you choose and why?


    I am trying to decide between the two....and don't want money to be a factor

    because I have found a d80 for the price that I could sell my d70 for and come

    out even. (through a friend).



  3. What if it was tap water from a water balloon? The camera turns on and displays things on the small display on top of the camera. The LCD on the back does not display at all. The camera sounds as if it is taking a picture when the shutter release is pressed, but no photos are recorded
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