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Posts posted by kirk_turya

  1. One thing the others forgot to mention is that ALL Hasselblad lenses are coated, even the chrome C's. However, the T* lenses are multi-coated for better color rendition and flare control.

    I own a black,80mm C T* lens, but i've used my bosses 150mm chrome C and it gives great results! In another couple of months i'll be investing $1100 in a chrome 50mm wide angle. So unless you're rich save your money and buy C's (black if you can afford them, but chromes will do just fine).

    Remember, Ansel Adams never owned a T* lens and his Hassy pictures came out great (he used his hat as a lens shade alot)!

  2. My first thought would be that your ISO setting was wrong, but you said it was set correctly. I've never had a wierd reading from my 408 in the year+ that i've had it. However, if I did start getting readings that were that far off i'd do the safe thing and send it in!
  3. If you want to take the time to learn how to use a view camera (get a good book!) then you can set up about 10-15% to one side of the doors. Then you just shift your front (lens) standard the required amount back toward the doors to correct any distortion and "square up" the doors. Remember, the further away you are from the subject the less shifting you'll have to do, so step back and use a telephoto lens.

    If you don't want to make the investment in large format just yet you can rent them fairly inexpensively. In my area you can rent a 4x5 camera, 210mm lens, and a rollfilm back (for using 120/220 film) for about $120 per day. If you rent on Friday some places will let you keep it till Monday for one days rent!

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