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Posts posted by k_t1

  1. I used to attend the forums alot, but these days I can't read or

    respond to a post without having my brain explode.

    I joined up back right before all the digital stuff. Now almost

    every question (eos forum) is about, "can I use this flash on the

    digital rebel" "will this lens work on xx camera" "can I mount X

    brand lens on my camera". Everything from mundane questions that can

    be answered by a simple search, to equipment anomolies to camera

    comparisons. Its all the same, just replace the last model with the

    current model.


    I admit I've answered and asked similar questions, but its just so

    redudent now. Maybe I'm just ranting a lot now, but I'm just gonna

    stop posting/responding/or reading the site for a while and see how

    things are down the road.

  2. There are about 50bazillion threads on this camera. However I will restate, I recommend the Bp-300 battery pack for the camera, after attaching it, it fits nicely into your hand, plus it takes regular AA batteries and adds a vertical shutter release button.


    There are two models the Elan 7 and the Elan 7E, the E is the eye focus control version. I don't use ECF so I saved a few bucks and the the regular Elan 7. If you dont use ECF I recommend doing the same.

  3. I'm going to answer points 2 and 4, because this is a lot of ground to cover. Video production can be complex sometimes, but not as complex as you need it to be.

    To answer your questions:


    2. Do you need a camera with mic input? Most cameras have Mic inputs with Mini-plugs, other higher end models have inputs with XLR inputs. Depedning on you budget and WHAT are you planning to video tape will determine if you need a camera with these features.


    4. USB isn't great, dont use USB! Use firewire (IEEE1394) for all input and output.


    --------- Question: What do you plan to edit your project with? PC or MAC? Editing is just as important as video taping.


    Advice: STORYBOARD! Plan out exactly what you want to do with your project.


    Good luck with your endeavors.

  4. Les has it right need more info before helping. OffTopic, I'm not sure if you ever watched those COP/detective shows on the Discovery/Learning channel, where they take stills from Store Security cameras (known for there excellent quality LOL), but for evidence purposes, as long as you can tell who or what is in the picture, resolution wise, it doesn't have to be excellent.
  5. I had a Panasonic Ag-Ez1 that was fried with a tape I had in it. I sent it in for a new electronics board and the tape got out.


    I don't know about your Sony, however if you have any intention of fixing it I would sent it into a facility, and they will get your tape out and fix the camera. If you don't plan to fix the camera, you just just bust it out I guess.

  6. Matrox is the Hardware componet of the system, premiere is the software componet. I have not used Matrox before, just Pinnacle stuff, but I would say the screens look different because they are showing the Matrox software that captures the video, however if its like the Pinnacle stuff, it does seemlessly intergrate with premiere.
  7. I think he was referring to a dedicated forum on photo.net.


    The major problem is that, once the next camera comes out, what are you gonna do? Create another forum dedicated to that camera? One forum for digital eos is fine.

  8. The American version of the EOS 10 is called the EOS 10s (beats me what the s stands for). However one cool thing about the 10/10s is that it has a Built-in intervalometer, I don't know of any other film or eos digital camera that has this option. However, the draw back to the 10/10s is that it has no rear command dial.
  9. Its an older Super 8mm Film motion picture camera. I did a quick search on the internet, I did manage to see it posted at various prices ranging from $50.00 - $150.00 (depending on condition). Sorry I can't help you anymore then that.
  10. Adam, 720x480 is currently the digital standard anything that captures DV from Pinnacle studio to adobe premiere to ulead media studio pro will capture MiniDV video @ 720X480 (north american NTSC). I'm not sure if you can get higher resolution then that.


    The question is what your final output and format be ie. VHS, DVD, back to MiniDV?

  11. The 1D was designed specifically for photojournalists - sports photographers (faster FPS etc). I think it would be perfect for your applications. The 1Ds was designed for higher resolutions, however it does have a slower frame rate.
  12. I think I've said this in other posts similar, If you love your D60 keep it, I do not think it's worth getting the 10D if you already have the D60 and like it. I would however, just wait till the next camera to come out to replace the 10D, then change. I think this will be more economical and better to do.
  13. For your applications, I don't see a real need for an upgrade to a 10D, and would recommend building apon your current line of Nikon equipment, especially getting some nice lenses.


    But hey, no matter what anyone says here, it's your dough you're spending. Whatever dicision you make, good luck and happy shooting.

  14. Hey if you're willing to spend the money for it GO FOR IT! I don't think anyone is trying to stop you. However, the N90 is a great camera (and I'm a canon person). Is your N90 doing anything that you don't want it to do? I would recommend getting a couple of nice lenses for your Nikon. I'm not really sure if the 10D is worth the investment on your part, $1500 can buy you a hell of a lot of film and processing, it can also get you some really nice Nikon lenses.
  15. I'll bet you all here that this thread will turn into a digital vs. film debate soon.


    Now to MY answer. What type of photography do you plan to shoot? (portraits, sports, etc...)


    What do you mean by "Good enough"?


    Finally do you have approximatly fifteen hundred dollars (not including lens or lenses). I remember when I was 16 I didn't have that kind of money around (I don't know how things are today LOL).

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