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Image Comments posted by jeff_kuwabara

    manta dance


    Aloha Carlos - thanks so much for the comments. I really appreciate this very useful information and hope to apply it soon. Sorry for the delayed reply, haven't checked my old postings in quite some time.




  1. Liz and Richard - the blue is striking, but this is largely unaltered. Fuji velvia 100 film seems to really bring out the blues, so it scanned in this way. I'll take your critique to heart and see what this looks like when I photoshop down the blue a bit. Yes, I'm that guy who is still shooting film. Wish I had been shooting digital, I might have taken 1000 more photos of these turtles, but then maybe that's an argument for sticking with film. At this spot, these critters slowly glide through the water while schools of surgeon fish clean the algae off of them. They didn't seem too bothered by my presence, so made easy subjects. Thanks for checking out my photos.




    Spider Crab


    Hey Liz,

    This is a pycnogonid (sea spider). How big was it? What a great find. I've seen them here in Hawaii, but not when carrying a camera - unfortunately. Cool critters. Fun shot.


    Night Octopus


    Hey Jeff,

    I really like this shot too. You should have titled it "Rasta eating hippo." This shows off this critter's texture and color morphing talents - nice capture.




    Very nice shot. These guys are hard to focus on - especially with a little surge...and to get that close. Nice detail. Curious, do you know what that is on the 2nd dorsal fin ray? Again, killer shot. Congrats. ~jeff
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