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peter crosstone

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Image Comments posted by peter crosstone

  1. i say that in a good way.

    this has great lighting.


    the scene itself makes me so want to be there.

    and then this little skier shows up unexpectedly in the lower right hand corner, like a surprise intruder into this image. for this i would take down one of my own photos on the wall and hang this in its place.


    you are a master of photography with this photo.


    He Ain't Heavy


    He's my brother.

    In this the final performance of the Dance Guild in Lunenburg,

    Massachusetts, one dancer carries his brother on his shoulder and this

    is the song that played in the background. All comments welcomed.

    Hidden Falls


    This waterfall I call Hidden Falls because it is not on any map or in any

    guidebook, neither is there a sign posted to get to it nor is there a trail

    leading to it. I happened across it when I began to follow a river

    downstream behind an abandoned paper mill. I saw the river drop away

    and knew there must be a waterfall below. So I began to wade through

    the river to this hidden place. So I named it Hidden Falls. If you ask me

    where it is I might tell you. It is within walking distance of where I work

    but for three years I had never explored that area which was sort of in

    my back yard! Oh yeah, all comments are welcome. Thanks

  2. I shot this for a digital scavenger hunt. The subject was 9.

    so here it is, nine citrus wedges. Shot with the light from the bar

    overhead in a restaurant called The Monument Grill.


    All comments welcomed!

  3. i call this Christoph's world after Christina's world by a famous painter

    from Maine, last name of Wyeth. Model was shot separately in

    Massachusetts and composited with the old farmhouse. It h ad to be



    comments welcome!



    Please critique this macro shot of a white flower I shot during the summer.

    I spent an hour on my stomach trying to get a shot of this thing, and the memories I

    have are of the tick that embedded itself into my belly button during that time.

    Makes it all worth it!

  4. Shot right after a rain, this picture of the eiffel tower in a puddle was inspired by my

    good friend George Gallant, who taught me to shoot things reflected in puddles.

    All comments welcome

  5. My friend George Gallant inspired me to try this new genre in

    photography. We went to my studio and experimented with the lights

    and background and focus to just get the right contrast. He wiggled a

    little incense stick as I snapped photos of the smoke rising. Then I just

    went through several hundred photos looking for images that resembled

    people or things. Tweaking a little here and there in photoshop.

    If you want to know more details, send an email to myself or to George

    Gallant who is also a member here.

    All critiques welcome!

  6. Hello,

    A girl in my camera club asked me to shoot photos of her trashing her

    dress. I chose Marginal Way near Ogunquit, Maine. The Atlantic Ocean

    turned out to be a great spot! You gotta try this! Any comments and

    critiques are welcome.



  7. Hi george,

    This reminds me of a kaleidoscope.

    Or Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

    I see your imagination at work with these shots. You must have been here back in the Sixties?

    How did you do this? These are great!

    Are these actual photos?





    Peter Christoph

  8. George,

    nice photo!

    Looks like the same one I see on 495 myself, but whenever I stop, he flies away!

    I am still trying to get that hawk or eagle shot, but anyhow yours is an inspiration to know that it CAN be done, and I'll keep trying. Keep up the good work, I enjoy your portfolio and all the different styles you have developed.

    Lobster Wagon



    Nice capture.

    This takes me back in time, I love these shots.

    Nice black and white treatment, nice contrast, texture.

    Take me to this place sometime!



    I wish i was there Wendy. I am glad you left in the person to show how BIG this waterfall is. It looks so surreal, as if there is no way that much water could be falling over that cliff. Nice color, nice exposure!






    When I approached this guy coming out of a local pizza shop,to ask if

    I could take his picture, I expected the worst. But instead of

    breaking my camera over my head, he was fine with it, and seemed to

    enjoy having the photo taken.



    So this one summer day I found myself at the Cloisters in Baltimore

    Maryland, where my daughter is the flower girl in a wedding. The poor

    little guy was very convincing in his miniature tuxedo, but I told him

    no, not yet...

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