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Posts posted by wallacehenning

  1. Yes, I just read that review. He seems to like it. The main thing I did learn in that review was that it has no manual mode.

    The more I look at these compact cameras the more I think I would get annoyed with them. I think I am just going to have

    to save up and get a sigma dp1. Bigger, no zoom, more expensive, but the images I see from it look amazing!

  2. Hi Bill


    Well I dont really mind about the memory card as I would only buy one anyway and I have no other cameras that take sd



    But besides that I have been looking at the Canons, they seem to take very good pictures for the amount of money. Like

    the Canon Digital IXUS 960 IS, I know its titanium again and its 12 megapixels but these are not the reasons for liking

    it... I has the wider aperture then the lower model, which is what I am looking for, I will want to use it in low light with no

    flash. And still has a view finder but 35mm at the wide end but I think I could like with that.

  3. Hi Ralph


    Thank you very much for your response, I shall have a look at the websites you have suggested, they look very helpful!


    I have been carful to only really pay attention to the full size version of the images as I agree with you that anything will look

    good if you downsize it.


    Interesting what you say about higher the megapixel on a small sensor - higher the noise, I didnt know thats how it worked. I

    guess this is one of the reasons why the Sigma DP1 produces such nice results.



    Thanks again



  4. Hello all,


    Just wondering if anyone knows anything about the Sony W300... Im looking for an ultra compact camera to take about with me. I have

    been looking at plenty of sample images and to me the W300 is looking pretty good compared to things like:

    Leica C-Lux 2

    the Panasonic versions

    the Nikon s600


    Here are some of the sample images I have been looking at:

    Sony CyberShot W300 Test Photos


    I like the idea that its so small and seems to give pretty good quality, Im not so worries that it has 13 mega pixels, its a bonus but what I

    really want is some thing that will take good images in low light with out a flash.


    I read the review on http://www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/cameras/shirt-pocket.shtml It seemed to make sense what they were



    If anyone has one and could let me know if like it or dislike it OR if anyone has any better suggestions for an ultra compact camera it

    would be very helpful!


    Many thanks




  5. HI!


    Im sorry, this is not an answer but more of a request...


    I am also looking for pocket camera something that:

    ? Is small enough that I can put in my pocket and a bit like a camera on a mobile phone

    but way better! (Surprisingly though I have taken some great shots with a Sony Ericsson

    W810i, I think the best camera phone!)


    ? Has amazing image quality, Im not worried about the megapixels I think I would prefer

    something with:

    a) a great lens

    b) very low noise

    c) good colour rendition


    ? I shoot a lot of night stuff, sometimes I am out and I really want to snap something, so

    it being able to handle funny colour situations would be fab!


    ? Of course has manual controls.


    ? Oh and as a bonus, Im a bit of design nut, I would love if it was something that every

    time I took it out of my pocket I wouldn't want to put away!


    I was thinking of the Ricoh GR Digital Mk 2 but looking at its image samples, Im not that

    impressed at all! Just not sharp enough, the pictures look too dull as-well.






    I like the idea of this Sigma DP1... - Thanks Ken - I am going to do a bit of research on it,

    does anyone know anything about it?



    I know I sound like a spoilt brat with all my demands, but unless I bought something that

    ticked all the boxes, I know I would be very disappointed and therefore I am willing to wait

    for the PERFECT camera. HaHa


    If anyone could help me, your advice would be greatly appreciated!






  6. Arturo, Thanks for dutch ebay link going to have to track him down!


    Robert, The wooden grips do look good, didnt think you could swap them, but know I do!


    Ilkka, I think when I get my xpan Im going to have to try get some adaptors and keep

    trying stuff out on cheap film.


    Simon, good to know that fuji lens come from good heritage. I dont think that not having

    the shutterspeed in viewfinder will bother me, even when I shoot digital I rarely look at the

    read out in there.


    I must apologise for my bad question phasing in the beging when I said "Any other advice

    on both cameras in anyway would be greatly appreciated.." I meant on the Xapn and the

    Tx. My fault completely! But knowing more about any camera is all good anyway!



  7. Nick, thanks for your info on all, especially about about Hasselblad distributors not working

    on the TX. I was worried about what happens if either brake down! Now its pushing me

    towards the xpan.

  8. Pablito, I thought that image circle could be a problem.


    Barry, I didnt know about the H2 lenses being made my fuji, how very very interesting! I

    wonder why carl zeiss didnt make the lenses?!


    Ilkka, Your adapter to use Leica R lenses on your XPan, I take it that its just for the 35mm

    format in the Xpan? Your advice on other lenses to use on the Xpan was really helpful!,

    Thanks! I was maybe wanting some kind of telephoto lens, which knew from the begining

    it was going to be along shot! (haha get it?!) ahhh well I think ill still get an Xpan or TX tho.


    Raymond, hmm so its R lenses then? The 35mm Curtagon sounds good!


    Thanks everyone! Massive Help!

  9. Michael, sorry for the misunderstanding, my fault! yeah the I did know the fujis are very

    good lenes and I know someone with a fuji 617, the lens is sooooooo sharp! you can

    nearly see into the future with it! haha So thats what made me think fuji could better. But

    as everyone is saying they are the same it has cleaned up that problem. Thanks for the link

    ill have to email them and see.


    Richard, I was very close to buying one on ebay, so much cheaper on the USA ebay then

    over here in the UK! So oneday I do plan on getting one. But also I would haved liked to

    use it for some street work and as it dosent have a built in meter it could get a bit of a



    Nick, I didnt realise that it was a joint development, I just thought hasselblad sold off the

    rights for the camera or something like that. Two heads are better then one on making



    Thanks guys, been a big help!

  10. Hi, Im looking for some advice on the xpan, sorry if anyone see this on the medium format fourm but I

    have read things on xpan in the medium format fourm.

    I was thinking of getting a Fuji GSW-690 III but with some thinking on the format I want to work in and if I

    really need to shoot at that size, I think Ive decided to go for an xpan. I did some research on the xpan 1

    rather then the xpan 2 and I dont think I really need an xpan 2 so ill go for the 1 (well if I can get a xpan 2

    for cheap I will).


    But before I commit to it I was wondering what the difference is between the Hasselblad xpan and Fuji TX,

    Like lens quality, added features (less features)? Are the leses interchangeable? ect? (I did look for some

    Threads on this but couldn't find any)


    Also I was wondering if you can get a lens converter for like nikon to xpan or canon to xpan? Something

    like you can get for Hasselblad Medium Format Lenes to Canon SLR autofocus bodies. Or is this not

    possible because you cant see what your fousing like you can with an SLR?


    Any other advice on both cameras in anyway would be greatly appreciated..





  11. Hi, Im looking for some advice on the xpan, sorry if anyone see this on the leica fourm but I have read

    things on xpan in the leica fourm.


    I was thinking of getting a Fuji GSW-690 III but with some thinking on the format I want to work in and if I

    really need to shoot at that size, I think Ive decided to go for an xpan. I did some research on the xpan 1

    rather then the xpan 2 and I dont think I really need an xpan 2 so ill go for the 1 (well if I can get a xpan 2

    for cheap I will).


    But before I commit to it I was wondering what the difference is between the Hasselblad xpan and Fuji TX,

    Like lens quality, added features (less features)? Are the leses interchangeable? ect?

    (I did look for some Threads on this but couldn't find any)


    Also I was wondering if you can get a lens converter for like nikon to xpan or canon to xpan? Something

    like you can get for Hasselblad Medium Format Lenes to Canon SLR autofocus bodies. Or is this not

    possible because you cant see what your fousing like you can with an SLR?


    Any other advice on both cameras in anyway would be greatly appreciated..





  12. Hi Alex


    I had the same problem as you about year ago. A new 17-40 f4 or a second hand 17-35

    f2.8. I chose the 17-35 f2.8m, I didnt know about the 17-40 f4 being sharper (I only just

    found that out reading this). I bought mine for ?550 from ebay, so it was cheaper then

    yours, but then again I was taking a risk. Even so I really like having the extra stop of light

    as I do like to shoot night work, and sometimes end up shooting hand-held. I use it with a

    10D. Hoping to get a 5D oneday, so it will make a nice wide lens, also thats why I went off

    buying an EF-S as it wouldnt work on a 5D.


    I really enjoy shooting with the lens. I think it sounds like I use it for the same things a

    you. Most of the time I am happy with my shots, and I do get some stuff which is

    surpriseingly sharp considering the situation. I do think its a really cool lens!


    If you would like I can upload you some 100% crops of shots used with this lens?


    As far as the gap goes, at the moment, my kit bag contains my 17-35mm and a 200mm

    f2.8 L which I love! Also from the magical ebay, it was about ?350, and for the money its

    really really good! I am thinking of getting a 50mm, or some other zoom like a

    24-105mm. But Im not really finding it that much of problem.


    Hope that helps. Let me know if you want some crops.



  13. Josh,

    Thanks for that thread! Man thats a sharp lens! As a said above I read on a thread that said

    the 65mm was less sharp then the 90mm, I always thought that wider angle lenses were

    always shaper! or am I getting into a muddle?!


    The site http://camerapedia.org/wiki/Fujica_G690 that was on the thread looks good too!

    ill have to read that!


    Whats the differnce between the GW and GSW or is just a differnt name?


    Did you get one in the end?




    Yeah I thought about a Pentax... maybe I should do some more research into that!

    But Fuji is working its way up the list. Just which one?!



  14. Thank you all for speedy replys!


    Well budget... cheaper the better but if I thought I was going to get the most perfect thing

    I dont really mind saving up!


    The other thing that draws me to the GW690 III is that do abit of stiching and you get a

    pano (well ish). Plus the other thing is, I like the idea of its just a box and lens! the rest is

    up to you! Ive been snapping digital a bit too much.


    As to scanning I have accsses to a imcom drum scanner, so that no problem.


    I really just dont want to buy a camera and then be really dissapointed with image quality

    or that it brakes down all the time!

  15. Hi there, this is my first time posting a question on photo.net, so Im sorry if I get anything wrong!


    I am already a 35mm photographer (using whatever I can get my hands on... Nikon FM2, Olympus OM10...

    Lomo! haha) also if Im feeling lazy (which I often do) Ive got a eos 10D with a 17mm-35mm f 2.8 L and a

    200mm f2.8. I like to shoot pretty scapes but also urban/night shoots. Check out my site,

    www.wallagram.com (sorry there is a little glitch in it which I have to fix)


    But now I want to slow things down a bit and maybe start using a hand held light meter. I cant quite

    decide wether to go more Mamiya RZ67 or something like that... or move more towards a Fuji GW670 III or

    a Fuji GW690 III???? I know someone who has a Fuji GX 617 Panoramic, and I regularly get to see shots of

    those on the light box and on screen and I always think WOW that is sharp! I have read that the 90mm lens

    is shaper then the 65mm on the GW690 III. Also to add another camera, the Mamiya 7 II, I heard that they

    are very good cameras too! The great thing about the GW670 III or the GW690 III means that I wont be

    fussing with lenses and less to carry! Just get on and take some pictures! One more thing... GW690 III as

    you are stuck with the lens you get with it, has any one heard of DUFF lens being reported?


    If anyone could give me some advice or suggest a different camera... It really would be most appreciated!!!


    Sorry its been a long question, I just didn't want to leave anything out.




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