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Image Comments posted by danielabrown

  1. Love all the opposites in this photo.  More than just the old vs the new gas pumps.  The wood on top vs the concrete on the bottom.  How the left concrete pillar has light hitting it and the right one has shadow.  The two service station signs in the window have inverted stripes.  The wood support at the top seems to be divided in half with one half being inverted as well.  Very cool.

    Really wish I could make it to your show.



    This is one of my favorites.  It has a really nice balance of elements and great color compliments.  Love the 45 degree angle on the car and the straight on view of the building.  Looks like a magazine ad for that years new ford, except the photo took longer to process, and the subject matter grew old.

    Touch of love

    Great idea. Love the hand formations. However, my eyes are drawn to the bright area on the man head in the back ground. The hands also seem a little dark compared with the rest of the photo. I will say you are very talented if you can hold a child, have your hand in the photo, and still take the picture.
  2. The foreground is really strong. My eyes quickly goes to the hood decor which is very interesting and unique. It would be nice to see it higher in the photo and either reveal more of the car or just focus on the hood. Also the green in the back ground contradicts the subject at its current cropping. I would pull the saturation down a little.
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