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Posts posted by joelle_nebbe_mornod

  1. I'm hugely interested in the answers people can provide to this as a thief got into my house and amongst other things ran off with my camera bag... (I bet he hoped there was something better than a Canon A1 and a bunch of lenses, and old minox and a fuji f10 - I bet he will hugely undersell the lenses too... grrr!)


    Anyway I have been trawling ebay and this site and review sites and used camera stores trying to figure out what to purchase... keep oscillating between forking out for $1000 digital new material, trying to snatch a 2 year old digital camera (but the ones that have decent features still cost a bit), trying for top film AF SLRs or getting an older film SLR with top notch lenses. Even started looking at old classic cameras...


    Manual focus is no problem, I'm used to thinking with my fingers in manual/priority modes too. (although i will draw the line at needing an external meter... )

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