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Image Comments posted by johnrmath


    Hi Siavash: The new series is great! You really are a great photographer! I like this too. Is this new? Hope all is well with you and you are having a good summer in Iran. Your good friend. John

    Colpi di luce

    Colpi: Excellent 7/7... the 3/3 doesn't know what art is, just ignore them. We all get this person to rate us down whenever they are on. This photograph is great! John Math

    Mabry Mill


    Brenda: Obviously, the 3/3 person really has no concept of good composition and technique. Maybe we should all get together and get two (2) people to each give a 7/7 on photographs like this and the others that get automtically marked down from these idiots!


    There I said it...and they can kick me out if they want to! John Math


    Wendy: I think this is great. Bravo for trying this complicated process. The rest of your Portfolio is good too. Thank you. John Math
  1. Paula: It is disappointing to me to see people give you a 3/3 on your ratings. Obviously, they do not understand what great art really is!

    Photo.net is the wrong forum for them to voice their negativity, without

    any justification. Again, I am sorry. John Math

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