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Posts posted by juan_manuel_cardona_granda

  1. <p>Hello Mr. Cheung, thanks for answering. I usually shoot manual and most of the time I would shoot with both flashes at the same intensity. The problem is that it would not be easy for me at all to get the batteries for the R1 flashes. I'm not comfortable with loading my 90mm Tamron with the R1 weight. I would suppose some gadget must exist that allows me to connect the two SB-400 together, or make them fire at a time. Just haven't figured out which. If it doesn't exist, I will probably stick with my SB-600 and diffuser.</p>
  2. <p>Hello everyone!<br>

    I 'm really into macro and have been getting great results with a SB-600 and a Manfrotto 196AB2 arm attached to a long camera plate, but the setup is somewhat heavy. I considered buying the dedicated Nikon R1 Macro setup, but the non-standard batteries it uses are a big turn-off for me (more things to carry!). Since I have the SC-29 cord, is there any way to fire two SB-400 simultaneously to simulate the R1 System? Any response will be very appreciated!</p>

  3. Hello everyone


    I've seen some amazing images of owls and bats taken at night with what it seems like a remote trigger. Some

    brands that

    usually are used are OMRON, etc, but no clue on which device exactly. Any advice on what equipment should I

    consider? I currently have an SB-600 and Nikon gear. If needed, I'm prepared to buy additional strobes, but the

    triggering sensor has me puzzled


    Any help with equipment suggestions, and links to reference materials will be much appreciated!

  4. Thanks to everyone for the kind responses.


    Rene, I had also checked Mapcamera and the prices there go from 40-50 man. I have checked on Japanese language forums also and everybody has nice things to say from Mapcamera, but I still wanted to hear something from a foreigner like me. Sometimes I see apparently good offers on Yahoo auctions Japan, but I think it'll be safer to get it at mapcamera so at least I can have some months guarantee. The AF-S version is nice, but although I am prepared to spend $ 1000 on a lens without breaking the bank, my wife isn't prepared to see me spend that money on it. You betcha I'll be getting mine as soon as I round up the money, which I hope'll be in about two months. For the time being, I've ordered a 1.4x TC. Can't wait!

  5. Hello everyone


    I'm on Japan on the lookout for an used 300mm f4 Nikon Lens. What is the current

    reasonable price for an used lens of the type AF Nikkor 300mm f/4 IF-ED? Any

    advice on what I should look for/avoid? I keep seeing in some ads that they have

    it near mint, no mold but some negligible dust inside. Any advice, especially

    from people with experience buying this lens used, will be much appreciated. I'm

    wary because this is my first used lens purchase and I'm well aware that buying

    used gear from people you don't know is always a gamble.

  6. Thanks to everybody for your responses. The trekker looks like a nice option, but I already carry a backpack with other stuff. After considering all other options, it looks like the best choice will be the Lowepro. The Kinesis looks tempting, but costly with all the added paraphernalia needed.
  7. Hello everyone


    I'm planning on getting a 300mm f4 Nikon lens, as well as a kenko 1.4x TC for my

    camera body. I plan to use this setup for bird photography, and as I'm planning

    to go to very high rainfall areas, fairly remote as well, or else dusty but

    remote areas, I was thinking of having a camera bag that fits the above

    mentioned setup without having to assemble things over and over again to avoid

    damage to my equipment. I've just narrowed it down to two toploader bags:


    The Kinesis C640



    and the Lowepro 75 AW



    Just wanted to ask if someone here has had any experience with a similar setup

    and this bags in the field. I'm inclined by the Lowepro, although it is shorter

    and I'd have to be putting on and off the TC, because it has an all-weather

    cover, which I find a blessing and I currently have a smaller Lowepro bag for

    which the cover has proved useful. The Kinesis looks a little cumbersome and

    flimsy, but being larger could prove better.


    Any thoughts will be appreciated!

  8. Thanks guys. Actually, when I say "long" that is what I usually have to walk while at work, that is, probably 5-10 km, although sometimes we can have 4+ hours (~20 km) of distance to cover.


    While researching I came across with this Nikon bag (Lens Rucksack 300II).



    Dimensions are below. I think at nearly 2 kg for a bag only that's probably too much. Any thoughts?

  9. Hello everyone


    I'll buy the Nikkor 300mm f4D as soon as my budget allows it. Since I shall be

    using it most of the time with a 1.4x TC on and hiking long distances with this

    and more equipment, anybody has a good suggestion of a good field bag/case that

    can accommodate a Nikon (d80 or bigger) body with both TC and lens attached? A

    plus would be that the camera is to be easily taken out of the bag, and some

    kind of rain cover or rainproof system would be good, also. Responses from

    people with field experience with similar equipment will be very appreciated!



  10. Thanks all for your kind answers.


    I'm sure they are achromatic. The link below can give you more answers about their availability here.




    Actually, they manufacture them here in Japan, so probably there is not enough demand abroad for some types. It depends also on filter diameter. Above 77mm there are fewer ones.

  11. I have the Tamron 90mm that goes to 1:1 magnification, and, wanting to have a

    little bit more magnification, I have recently found about the Kenko AC

    (Achromatic) close-up lenses. They do come in several sizes, though. They are

    pretty inexpensive here in Japan, though, as compared with their Nikon and Canon

    Counterparts, and I'm willing to give one of these a go, but the question is :

    Which one??? And how much magnificacion can one achieve with them and the 90mm



    There is a chart in Kenko's Japanese site...




    it indicates on the left (and in blue) the close up lenses types (no.1,

    etc.)magnification rates, and to the right (and in green) the Extension Tube

    Equivalences. However, this is indicated with a 50mm lens. Anybody knows how to

    estimate how this would work in a 90mm macro? Also, does image quality get worse

    the more diopters the lens has?


    Thank you!

  12. I just got the better beamer for use with a SB-600 (yes I got the right model)

    and I am very pleased with the results... when the beam is well aligned. I found

    this to be a little problematic, because when strapped, the illuminated area

    tends to be too low (I'm using a 300mm lens), covering only half of the lower

    portion of the frame. I know I can do it by trial and error, and currently I

    just insert some small pieces of folded scraps of paper in the right places

    between the flash and the plastic arms, but I would like to know what do you

    people do to just strap it right, because in the field you usually have no time

    to be fiddling with paper scraps and wasting battery in test shots. Any help

    will be most welcomed!

  13. Thanks for the hints guys. Actually I do 1:1 with the Tamron, and with the crop factor that can be a lot, but I keep wishing I could photograph some small (<0.5 cm) jumping spiders and the like. It is not practical for me to have bellows because the critters I usually photograph are too busy to wait for me to set up a complicated rig, usually only handheld with speedlight, and tripod, only sometimes.
  14. OK, I have been shooting macro with the Tamron 90mm for a while and I love it! I

    would like to get even greater magnifications, so what would be the next step? I

    mean, in terms of getting enough sharpness and maneuverability, what is better,

    a 1.4x TC or extension tubes? Or just achromatic close-up lenses will do the

    trick? If anybody has any experience with this rigs, I would appreciate any


  15. If you can shoot at f4 or lower a good strategy is to shoot 3-4 shots in continuous mode, trying to remain as still as possible yourself (elbows against your ribs if handheld, etc.). This has worked for me: some shots are due to come acceptably sharp at high ISOs.
  16. I would like to know how well does the SB-600 speedlight for macro. I have a

    Tamron 90mm for macro and I'm very happy with it. However, I find myself needing

    lots more light when shooting under the canopy of forests and having a tripod is

    not an option given the very long hikes through the jungle that I have to do and

    considering that I have to carry additional survey equipment, food, etc., and

    besides there is no time to set up a tripod (most insects aren't just waiting

    for you to take their picture). I have researched a ring flash, but they are too

    expensive to justify the purchase considering that I intend to use the flash for

    general photography and eventually for birding as well (coupled with a Better

    Beamer, hopefully), and they look pretty cumbersome to carry.Any thoughts and

    advice on the subject will be very much appreciated!

  17. I am now currently considering the purchase of a Nikon AF ED 300mm F4 S for

    birding, with future plans of coupling it with a 1.4x TC. Being now in Japan

    (though I plan to use it in Colombia for birding), I can get it for 40 000 yen

    (about USD$ 330), used, in very good condition. Can I expect AF with this lens

    and the D50, w and w/out the TC? Any other things I should bear in mind about

    this older version of the lens and its performance with my camera? Any advice on

    whether I should buy the newer version of this lens (sells at 120 000 yen) also

    will be very welcome!


    Thanks in advance

  18. Greetings everyone.


    I have decided to buy the Tamron 90 mm f2.8 Di Macro and now I'm doing some

    research on the speedlights I should get for it for doing macro. It seems the

    R1C1 Set won't do because of the Tamron lens diameter. I know I should get the

    SU-800 since the D50's flash can not remotely control other speedlights/strobes.

    Any suggestions on the other gear? (considering my budget is kinda tight)

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