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Posts posted by memphis1

  1. <p>let's see --- have all the good accessories for my black paint iid -- a scnoo winder, a soft release, a leica level, film trimmer, sports finder, soft release...<br>

    still looking for a good case that i can use with the scnoo... </p>

    <p>on the m8 when using my canon 28mm, i still put the finder on -- </p>

    <p>for the r, i have the photo equip (gmp) grip, the motor drive, and a kit of lenses</p>

    <p>yes --- many are useful, some are not</p>

  2. <p>I'm looking to have a good set of lightroom keywords and iptc metadata for use on very specific images -- I shoot hockey matches every week and am looking to up the game on my process with good keywords in lightroom and in the meta fields -- <br>

    Does anybody have any good ideas for keywording out a batch of hockey images?<br>

    are there any specific iptc metadata fields that are imperative?</p>


  3. <p>small wedding, no backdrops, smaller backup body just in case -- </p>

    <p>will be there for a week and will have some time to myself- - ergo the 500 and the fisheye</p>

    <p>will probably get a good tamron or tokina to cover super wide - -- </p>

    <p>have all my hawaii ebooks regarding tourism and photography --- carrying my galaxy 4 tablet,</p>

    <p>not taking my laptop -- carrying plenty of cf cards.... <br>

    every ounce counts here</p>

  4. <p>ok going to hawaii in march rather than december... shooting a wedding<br>

    gives me a few extra months to configure my kit (plus birthday andd christmas)<br>

    I am carrying a d3 with the following lenses:<br />24/2.8 ais<br />16mm 2.8 fisheye<br />28/2.8 af-d<br />50/1.4 af-d<br />80-200/2.8 af-d<br />500mm mirror w/ 2x teleconverter</p>


    <p>leaving the 60mm micro/ring flash at home<br>

    am thinking i want to get a good super wide or 28-80/2.8 any thoughts on anything i need for my kit (including accessories for the d3?)</p>


  5. <p>ok, the working space is a gym - horrible lighting.... shooting fast moving, full contact sports event, using an 80-200/2.8 at 2.8<br>

    I've got 2 sb-26 speedlights and a sb-80dx speedlight --- i know they can all be triggered in unison , i'm just trying to figure out the best way to arrange these and set them up -- i know the d3 won't let me ttl with these, but they should still be able to be used...</p>

    <p>do i:<br>

    mount the three of them in various places around the arena and have a wireless mount rigged to the hotshoe of one of them which would trigger the other two?<br>

    mount one on camera and position the other two in spots where i tend to have the lens aimed?<br>

    rear sync or normal?<br>

    I'm rusty on flash use and have never used a multiple rig<br>

    also, what is the max range that i can space them and still have them set each other off?<br>

    and what settings should i use for each flash unit?<br>

    i have one with a clip that can be hooked to a silver umbrella - one of my buddies says skip the umbrella, the 3 flashes should light the gym up properly.... yes or no?<br>

    worst come to worst, I can shoot with no flash and high iso and still get workable images -- just looking to do something different</p>

    <p>i guess this may be one of the thornier questions today</p>

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