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Image Comments posted by alanmac

  1. Used a 20 sec exposure @ ISO 100, with a hand held (blue) torch

    shining on the face, with the subject slowly moving about. Image is

    almost as shot, single photo, tweaked the contrast and colours, and

    spotted the artifact out. It 's representative of a Multiple Personality

    Disorder, but all connected somehow... A bit of a departure from me

    from my usual landscapes/wildlife preference, so... Thoughts please?

  2. Great photo!

    I especially like the reflection, very still, you managed it very well.

    I would have liked to see more focus on the frog rather than your face. ( A very minor point)


    I own a 5D myself, and you are far braver than I, sitting in the water like that.

    Well done.



  3. Annual ceremony at a shrine in Tokyo.

    A line of massive drums towed on trolleys passes by being pounded on

    by men with mini baseball bats.

    The dark marks in the centre is blood from skinned knuckles - most of

    the drummers (they take turns every few minutes) don't wear gloves...


    tell me what you think please




    I really like the lighting in this one. Particularly, it allows the shadows on te trees to form a ciritical part of the photo, with the grass coming through as nice verdant green, and the reflection of the trees and their shadows is quite spectacular.

    I really like this photo in general, it also has a warmth imparted to it thanks to the amount of light.

    Well done. Much better than your image entitled "Shadow" - see comments on that one.

  4. I love your photo, Eirik, the subtle greys, and the way that their is little to distract the eye from the lazy way in which the brances trail in the water. It reminds me of dipping my fingers in the water, off the side of small boats as a child, and watching the ripple spread...

    Out of curiosity, did you try a colour version? How much different was it?

    The only thing I would change, would be to mimic Robert Grove's suggestion to crop about a third off the bottom, which I feel would only strengthen the subject.

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