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Posts posted by edwardolive

  1. <p>"When a person has a true genuine laugh or smile it changes rapidly. It is not unusual for me to shoot 3 or 4 fps over the course of a laugh (I don't do this for the entire shoot - just when capturing a truly alive and real moment). My pack can't keep up with that pace."</p>

    <p>good point</p>

    <p>I am used to shooting weddings and indeed shoot at 2-3 photos a second to get one eyes shut, one dodgy face and one perfect and natural real emotion.</p>

    <p>Has anyone tried the new led light panels that are like kino-flo but tougher and lighter. they come with aa battery packs for location video shoots...?<br /> Wjat do people think of daylight bulb continuous lighting using bigger versions of the new energy saving bulbs?</p>

    <p>Nice article here:</p>


    <p> </p>

  2. <p>c41 films at 400 like ilford xp2 or kodak bw400cn are not the same as real bw films. their contrasts, color casts, grain and capacity to handle contrasts is in a way similar to a color film. they aren't as strong powerful images. however they can be nice from time to time for a change</p>
  3. <p>talent and originality will beat equiment in the hands of an average pro any day</p>

    <p>a canon plastic non USM nonL 50mm f1.8 can shoot a whole wedding and pro filford film can be subsituted but nonpro lucky or shanghai gp3 chinese cheapo film. results can be stunning.</p>

    <p>i would prefer to see someone with talent using a diana clone and expired film than a generic unoriginal yet another wedding album shot on expensive fashionable lenses</p>

  4. the photos look like perfectly normal wedding photos to me.


    she should have checked your work before to see if she likes your personal style


    i always stress to brides here in spain before that they have to check what i do on my www first and tell me they like it cos better lose them before them to have problems after because they don't like my style


    you did all this they cannot complain




    "dreary venue, and from the looks of it, a party that had the collective personality of a pot of boiled haddock"



  5. ian that sounds wonderful


    35mm f1.4 or 50mm f1.2-4 would be great for 99% but what about the church ceremony especially in a big church where you can't move much or get too close in case you upset the vicar. here in spain its quite tricky in catholic altars and i think 85mm would be the minimum really and maybe even longer for closeups.


    personally i use mainly canon L 50mm f1.2 but also 24mm f1.4 and 85mm f1.2, but have a x2 multiplier just in case which is not too heavy or big to carry and doesn't lose too much light or quality on an 85 f1.2




    a little lomo lca is light and easy to carry for some fun extra shots and with auto light and zone focusing you don't need to think too much .

  6. In spain many wedding guests at upscale weddings have nikon d70 or canon 400d / 40d. They start out well but as the drinks roll out I suspect they always gradually go down hill. I have seen some of the photos afterwards and it's not just the cameraguy guest who seems to have been suffering the effects.


    I think its like a chauffeur. Most clients are perfectly capable of driving themselves but at times its nice to have someone to drive you (meaning also of course you can have a drink).


    One thing I would say is that guests with cheap lenses who have to shoot with flash can ruin your available light f1.2 work. As I only work f1.2-f1.4 in 35mm or digital and f1.9 in medium format this can be a problem especially at stages that go quickly and cannot be repeated like confetti throwing or even worse low light first dance shots.


    I have had digital images that have been unsaveable.


    However more problematic than happy snapper guests are the obligatory photographers here in Spain that many churches, restaurants and hotels oblige poor wedding couples to suffer.


    Of course they are no fine art photojournalist top level talents like Joe buissink or Jeff Ascough and earn their money from exclusive deals where people are forced to have their "work" because they get married in that church or hotel. This is called in Spanish "exclusivas" and in Madrid "fotografía de bodas" it is rife. (I will not comment on the legality or illegality of it.)


    These "photographers" will push you out of the way quite literally even in top madrid hotels, knowing if you have the shot (as the bride and groom's chosen hired photographer) they will never sell their's.


    Even in churches I have been literally thrown out by a combination of security guard with baton, exclusive deal church photographer and exclusive deal videographer. The bride and groom often never realise what the skirmish is at the church door until they see the album you were hired to do for them that doesn't include a single shot inside the church.


    To summarise I would say happy snapper guests have fun (even if it falshes out a couple of my shots)... the other "photogrpahers" i mentioned should go....

  7. This jeff guy is a really, really, really great photographer. he is recognised already as top wedding pro but deserves to go the whole way. what he does is quite simply fine art. if he came to madrid i would go and see him.


    if he could see what i see in the lab very day here in spain coming from local weddings he would shudder.


    having said that though he is lucky that he gets clients who let him take cool spontaneous natural photos. it is a real uphill struggle to let clients here in spain let you so something cool like mr genius jeff. many want endless lines of fake smile nonsense.


    keep trucking mr genius jeff.

  8. do olympus om lenses on eos give mirror clearance issues.


    i am using pentax m42 thread 1960's lenses on canon 5d (which are very cheap and fantastic) that do not give problems by entering too far into the eos body except wide angle lenses (less than 35mm).


    i notice however leica lenses also tend to enter deep.

  9. i bought it in a second hand shop in madrid.


    it is so stiff to turn the focus i have to hold it on to the camera with the other hand


    used via m42 converter on canon 5d


    have just started trials with it and have received an extremely favourable response on flickr with the first shots - including the great tommyoshima who has taken note.


    colours are subdued and subtle. it is in low light noticeably less light than my asahi super takumar 50mm f1.4 but still pretty good.


    strongly recommnded overall.


    My example from yesterday is here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edwardolive/299477388/

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