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Image Comments posted by fraxavfer

  1. Hey Branko, Just browsing and once again one of your fine works of art caught my eye. I have a weakness for clouds: you capture this scene beautifully and, as the previous critic mentioned, simply, which always racks up points with me. The tracks on the grassy slopes add so much to the picture, as I'm sure a lot of viewers have overlooked. There's something profound about this - something to do with earthly versus celestial motion, how the two interact, the passage of time, what used to be there as opposed to what we see, and so on - but I know that words can often spoil what the eye immediately grasps, so I'll just shut up and say bravo once again.



    Excellent picture of inner strength and serenity. The tight hard lines of the wooden surface on either side of the window (or door) constitute a nice contrast to the softly textured folds in the monk's gown. The monk's gaze speaks worlds.
  2. I love the misty swirls of water on the sand. The picture has a sobering balanced feel to it, as you gave equal prominence to both sky and water. Whether this is justified is, I suppose, a question of taste. Perhaps something more experimental - like a lower-panned shot of sand and swirls around those sign posts - would have lent the picture a keener sense of drama. But this is also a matter of taste.

    Going Home

    This is a very moving photograph. The peasant with a sack slung over his shoulder conjures up images of a pastoral way of life that is certainly not without its hardships and trials, but is also elevated to a realm of beauty and profound simplicity, illustrated here by the magical setting in which he or she is making his or her way. I like the fact that the mist and/or low-lying clouds render the landscape slightly indecipherable on the upper left side of the picture; this adds to the sense of mystery and does what every great work of art should do, namely make the viewer use their own imagination in order to try and work out some kind of meaning. Well done.


    Nocturne indeed. You can just hear the soft mellifluous notes floating above the grass and that lone wooden structure. Fine work. About the contrast, I don't know. Why does everybody always want to stupify with over-dramatic contrasting and colouring? I like the dreamy effect the way it is.

    Mustard and Barn

    Once again a tableau with great depth of vision. There is so much here. The green grass in the foreground not only reinforces the vertical slats in the structure, but also offers a fine tonal and textural completion to the wood. And those playful scraggly vines! They wither in dryness and yet they tease the viewer with the promise (or the memory) of growth and mirth, which is also brought forth through the innocense of the yellow flowers in the center. And don't the twisted, almost confused-looking vines contrast so well with the soft, self-assured silkiness of the sky, a sky that seems to direct the eye from the vines back towards the barn. It's indeed a pleasure to contemplate works such as this one.
  3. I'm really shocked to see how such a beautiful picture can draw such low ratings. The bottom-half right-hand edge of the picture might be a little on the dark side (and even there you could argue for a natural contrast to the light beams streaming above - solid earthy outline versus ephemeral diaphanous quality), but it's clear that the 4's people are just not thinking straight.
  4. Yes, sometimes I think viewers (and raters) go straight for those pictures that cause an immediate reaction but that are also quickly forgotten. Like you, I too prefer the more humble and longer-lasting works of art (such as yours). Keep up the good work.


    I am also quite partial to trees and sky. You did a fine job here of combining textures to capture this wonderful light in the heavens.


    I like the way the dark chaotic turbulence of the elements is shown hovering over (and coming down on) the neatly-lined man-made golden grain fields. Something to think about here.
  5. I like the modest arrangement of this picture. There's almost a feeling of understatement here, which I think is a good thing, as it prompts the viewer to contemplate a scene that is packed with meaning.


    Wonderful balance of colours and textures. Also, the twisting tree branches are a nice contrast to the straight-lined slats of wood on the house.
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