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Image Comments posted by daniel-san


    I don't feel that the crop is that tight, but the upper left corner is very dark, almost as if there was grad ND tilted and too high. If it was just the sky I would think it was over-polarized, but even the tops of the sticks are too dark. Its kinda strange, but you can probably fix that and have a real nice photo...



    actually that recent critique was valid, you are missing a bit of focus in the background. Put that in yer pipe and smoke it... Skylar...


    But what an amazing shot!


    I love this shot. At first I was put off a little by the fact that the symmetry isn't right on (not centered, but almost), but now this slightly asymmetric composition has grown on me. Looks like Chinese writing! Me likee!


    great composition and scene, but I have to agree with a previous posting that the color is over the top, and post-processing is evident as well along the left side of the column of smoke where it meets the sky (lightened area). With a more subtle approach, this would be more pleasing, to my eye at least!
  1. The bottom portion of this picture is really nice, but doesn't match up at all well with the top half, which not only seems somewhat underexposed, but has a strange purple tint that does not look natural. Was this color applied during post-processing? I guess the main reason it's odd is because the bottom portion looks like it was taken in fairly bright sunlight, while the top looks like the end of a sunset...


    Anyway, thats my 2 cents. The composition, including a nice foreground, interesting midground and sky background is good - I would maybe even chop off a bit from the bottom where there is dead space between the red flowers and they are a bit out of focus.


    I'm being nit-picky because I hope it will be a helpful critique, but I really like the idea of this picture, just not the post-processing. Cheers...

  2. I like the concept, but the shawl(?) flying around in the wind is a bit incongruous with the fact that there is no wind! If there was there would be movement in the grass, and at the very least her hair should be blowing around like crazy. As is, looks like a nice concept in theory but carried out in PS in actuality...

    Death Valley

    I did view larger, and the halo is still there. The footsteps are somewhat distracting, I wonder if they could be PS'ed out? Technically an ok photograph, well composed, if lacking in originality.


    There have been a few comments on this thread regarding the authenticity of this photo (i.e. did you or didn't you add the donkey in post-processing?). I for one can't see how the light would hit the donkey's face at that angle, so I'm thinking you added it. If so, that's the kind of thing you might want to put in the shot details! There are 50 comments here from people who are gushing over your skills in achieving such a unique composition...

    Way of wooded

    I like the point of view here, and the composition of the blue sky extending towards the upper right corner. What this picture is really missing is an interesting foreground element.
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