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gary payne

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Posts posted by gary payne

  1. <p>My wife and I are planning a week in Paris beginning November 10, 2013. Our hotel is in the 1st arrondissement, and we will be walking as our main mode of transportation. We are planning to see and photograph all the usual tourist “must see” sites. But we are also interested in the beauty of Paris that I suspect tourist often miss. I would appreciate any insight from residents of Paris, or those who have been there during mid-November. We know the weather is always unpredictable and perhaps more so in the fall, and we will simply deal with what we find. And, yes, we do plan on spending a lot of time in the cafes enjoying the good food and wine. We will greatly appreciate any advice and ideas.</p>
  2. I am an amateur, but I have shot five Baptisms of my grand kids with some success. I'm sure some pros will give you

    better technical advice, but here are some of my observations. I used a Nikon D200 for two, D700 for the final three and

    SB700 on camera flash. Bouncing would not work because of ceiling height, so I used the flash at 45 degree angle with

    diffuser. I used my 24 - 70 mm f2.8 which worked well. I found some Priest very accommodating, and some not but

    there were no objections to flash. The only real challenge was jockeying for position around the font as it gets pretty

    crowded and position, as with weddings I'm sure, is key.

  3. <p>I just acquired a Fuji X-E1 and I'm in the process of trying to understand the camera. My question involves the film simulation, Velvia, Provia, etc. Back when shooting film Velvia was my choice for all landscape like images. Now, I shoot RAW and post-process with Lightroom. When the X-E1 is set for RAW, film simulation can still be selected, as can dynamic range and other in camera settings. Seems to me that film simulation and other settings like dynamic range should have no effect on the RAW data, as they are probably used in the JPEG conversion algorithms. Is this correct or do the settings somehow effect the basic RAW data? Thanks for your thoughts.</p>
  4. <p>I'm planning on visiting Louisiana's River Road between Baton Rouge and New Orleans next week. Plan on visiting plantation homes and small towns along the way. I would appreciate any insight from those who have visited, or live there, of things not to miss, or perhaps to deliberately miss. Thanks for your help.</p>
  5. <p>I'm curious if there is anyone out there using the FUJI X-PRO1 and how they are getting on with it. I've read several reviews and the only negative seems to be a focus issue that, frankly, I can't exactly understand. I am currently a using NIKON D700 and I'm considering a smaller camera due to the size and weight of my Nikon filled camera bag. As for a Leica, I'd love to but I'm not making the investment required.</p>
  6. <p>Going to vacation with the family in Boca Grande Fl in June. We will be adjacent to Gasparilla State Park. I've searched the web and find a great light house, abandoned church, great beach scenes and shore birds. I would appreciate some insight from locals or those familiar with the area into other photo ops in the area. Thanks for your help.</p>
  7. <p>I just finished post processing a set of images shot in Nikon RAW (NEF). All images processed without problem but on maybe 6 or 7, I got a dialogue box saying, roughly "Lightroom has changed the Meta Data on this image. Save it to disk or cancel?" I cancelled and so far as I can tell, no harm no foul. But I'm curious why I've never seen this before in processing many hundreds of images, and if anyone knows what is going on here?</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>Some months back, my D700 went into the drink (ocean). I considered alternatives but bought a new D700 and have not regretted it for a moment. In my mind, it come down to this question: Did your D700 allow you to do what you wanted photographically, or were you missing capabilities. My D700 did everything I needed, so the repurchase made sense to me.</p>
  9. <p>Keep this in mind. The cruise ship departs port for its next leg at a precise time. Excursions booked by the cruise line are responsible for getting you back to the ship in time for departure. Other excursions have no such responsibility. "Missing the boat" can cost way more than the savings in excursion price.</p>
  10. <p>I don't want to hijack KP Karunakaran's earlier question regarding Importing NRW files from Nikon P7000 into Lightroom 3, but I have a related question.<br>

    I am considering the P7000 as a second camera when I don't want to lug my Nikon D700. I've been curious about the NRW suffix on the RAW files. What is the difference between NRW and NEF RAW files, and can NRW files be imported into and processed in LR3?<br>

    I would assume NRW files would import into NIKON NX2, and could then be saved as TIFF and imported into LR 3 as TIFF, but that sounds cumbersome and would use a lot of computer resources.<br>

    Your thoughts are appreciated.</p>

  11. <p>I have tried to photograph each of the cities you are visiting. Your equipment choice depends greatly on what, and how, you want to shoot. However, my experience says the widest, fastest, lens are the way to go, plus a mid-range zoom. I personally found no use for long lens.</p>
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