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Image Comments posted by stembaughphotography



    for those that gave low ratings this photo meets the following criteria that I have for a good photo:

    1.clear and identifiable subject - check!

    2. In focus - check!

    3. properly exposed- ok the white shirt is over exposed- maybe should have dropped down 1/2 stop.

    4. Simplified- there are no telephone poles or trees growing out of his head and while I find the background somewhat distracting - it was his choice- he gets what he wants!

    Ergo - this is not a 3 this is a 4 average photo!  I think too many on here do not appreciate the average scene, just because there is nothing spectacular there does not mean there is nothing there- are you just looking or are you seeing what is there?  When you look a painting of the last supper - do you just see another boring dinners shot of a bunch of guys or do you sdee way more- I see way more!  It is not in the looking but in the seeing! 

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