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Image Comments posted by tariqayad

  1. Nice wideangle shot. But if you look at the building on the far left, I think there is a bit of perspective distortion.


    Great image anyways.

    One comment though, I think there is a bit too much blue in the sky. Is that naturual or a bit too much saturation?



    Would appreciate critique on this one.

    Any thoughts about the composition. Does the crooked feel to the

    photograph work? Had a little dificult metering the scene and trying

    not to blow out the white walls. Any tips on how to shoot scenes that

    have whites as well a lot of darks areas?

  2. Hi,

    Would appreciate C&C about this capture.

    Namely the composition. Is there too much sky in this shot? Should I

    crop from the top?

    Technical Details of this picture is f/9 at 8s at ISO 100.

    By the Pond




    Yeah I checked it on a CRT and I see it is too dark.

    I should try to do a levels correction on a CRT monitor. on the LCD the picture looks nice and bright.

    Rolling Logs


    If I may,

    A great effort at capturing this squirrel, I know these guys hardly stay in one place for long enough. Fidgety little critters they are. Its really great that you have got the squirrel in sharp focus. The composition is also interesting. the curve made by the squirrels body mimicks that of the trunk.

    But what isnt working in this image is, the quality of light. This image looks like it was taken in hard light, and hence there are some very strong shadows, and the contrast seems to be very strong. I might consider a B&W version of this photo. Another reason why I might consider B&W is because most of the image seems to be the different tones of the same colour.

  3. Wow, that is just an amazing shot.

    Great composition.

    But what is more awesome than the composition, is the color. That is really awesome color on the boards, and the plain brown tint of the background really makes the colors stand out.

    In the bird itself there is a mix of cool tones and warm tones. Its just amazing.


    Really great capture.

  4. Hi,

    This is a nice capture. I think the light in the photo is great, it has a soft quality to it, and isnt causing and really dark shadows.


    The car is just amazing, its an antique that looks dignified.

    I have two suggestions for improving the image. One is regarding color, I wonder how the car would look if the red was a bit more saturated, and I also think there should be a little more room on the right of the image, to give illusion of movement (I mean a little space to move into)



    Jeffery, again, you done a great job in getting the bird nice and sharp. I can even see a catch light in its eyes. Thats reall cool.

    How far away was it from you?



    Excellent Capture!

    I love all that strong red in the photo.


    Regarding cammeara position, I was just wondering, the bird is position close to a powerpoint on the image, however its such a small subject that is dominated by a quite a bit of negative space. When I look at this image I keep thinking it would be really nice to have some green in the negative space to complement the strong red. Another idea would be to have some green moss on the tree stump, but those are just suggestions for an ideal shot which most times is very rare.


    Anyways, this is a great capture.

    Power turn



    This is a great capture. You have really captured a great moment here. I realize that its very hard to get a perfect moment like this.

    However I think the image can be improved with a bit of post processing.


    Personally I think the contrast needs to be increased, along with the color saturation in the image.


    Just my 2cts,


    Again really great capture.

  5. The Lighting in this shot was caused by the curtain shown in the

    picture covering the window. I thought this caused a nice effect of

    light leaking through the edges.


    Would appreciate your critique on this photo

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