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Image Comments posted by edward_wright1

    Best Friends

    Greetings Greg; as already said, this is a great shot but I would try cropping it a little tighter so as to bring the subject in closer. I noticed that you shot this with a 300mm lens (zoom); how close were you to the subject? I have tried shooting similar pics with a tamron lens which just never seems able to reel in the distance, but remains sharp enough to tighten up via cropping.


    Greetings Ricar; GEE Much better looking buns than that ground-up burger Paris was trying to sell us, (and the Girl is much prettier to!) I would probably have cropped it tighter, but it looks OK like it is. Fun Shot.

    Skating Princess

    Greetings Hans; Exceptional shot, even if it is the south end of a north bound duck. I love the reflection and colors you have captured. I am not sure I have seen any better shot (technically) anywhere on PN; Outstanding work. PICTURE OF THE WEEK!! 7/7

    Miss Zoey

    Greetings Emily; You get the 'Cute Kid' Award; Very nicely done, It simply does not get much more professional looking than this picture. Great work! 7/7

    angel eagle

    Greetings Jeff; It may be 'Another Eagle' but your pictures just seem to get better. This one is great; the lighting is a little less than optimal, but such is the nature of shooting 'Nature Shots.' I love your work; Very nicely done. 6/6
  1. Sorry guys, your title is very misleading; I have been to New Orleans, and this looks like a 'Good Day / Very Clean' for the French Quarter; and an exceptional day for anywhere outside the quarter! Nothing photographic depicts the stench & smell (even before the flood). Great picture of it thou. All that said, What few pictures seem to be able to show is the energy level (musically) of the little bars and the incredible food of the area. Very confusing until you have been there.


    I like how this shot shoots down the street at the street level, and shows how everything always seems to be wet in the morning (and dirty). Was this shot after the floods?

    Sinking Lotus

    Greetings HuHu; Very unique shot, I particularly like the reflected colors off of the water and the intensity of the colors. I assume you bumped up the saturation levels on your camera to archive the richness of the colors. Very nice. 6/6


    Greetings Wayne; WOW, The Photo Net Elves should love this shot! Very original with pleasing composition and colors. It will be interesting how well recieved this is; but I personally think it is outstanding! 7/7
  2. Greetings Yiannis; I am jealous; What a beautiful location, and your simplistic approach of enhancing the view with the otherwise boring stairwell and blue pottery and window boxing. Exceptional eye for a shot! Have you played with the colors created during sunset with this same shot, and / did you purposefully wait for the lighting to create the intense blues that match, or just happen upon it? Thank You for sharing. 6/6



    Greetings Glenn; I like the look of this shot, with the low lighting from below and the off-center cropping. Very nicely done! Is the lighting a simple small flashlight from below as I suspect? Great Work 7/7


    Follow Up To Response: Greetings again, and Thank You for telling us about your 'Custom Made' Soft Box; it is amazing, my budget might be able to handle such! (My Custom Rear Fill Lighting came from Home Depot; The huge halogen contractors lights with some used reflector hoods I picked up cheap. But It works!) CUSTOM!

    Hmmm...Looks OK...

    Greetings Florin; What a laugh! I feel sorry if this little guy grows up to be a photographer and you still have this picture (or worse, it shows up at his wedding); what a hoot! Great shot. 5/7

    Morning Break

    Greetings John; Beginner? It really does not look like it from the quality of this picture. The timing of the day may be slightly off from perfect optimal lighting, but there is very little wrong with the shot itself. Very nice cropping, the colors are just about perfect also; next you are going to tell us this was shot with a throw away camera by a six year old kid, 'Nothing To It,' / Lets just say, very nice shot, and well done. Leave the beginner part out (most will not believe it). 6/6

    Burano Dusk

    Greetings David; Yes it all has been said in comments before mine was posted, but this is one of the most masterfully shot low light pictures I have seen on PN. The reflections on the water and low light in the sky (with the colors still in the sky) are about as perfectly timed a shot as any could have been taken. 7/7
  3. Greetings Ken; WOW! You shot a winner with this picture. This is one of the best nudes I have seen on PN (or anywhere). Great pose, lighting and cropping; very stunning shot!


    Greeting to the PN Elves, can a nude win for 'Photo of the Week' ? How about this one? 7/7

    Mirror Lake


    Greetings Edward; Exceptional shot, very nicely done. What I find most amazing is that you shot this with a Sigma 10/20 ultra-wide angle lens; I have one and it just does not produce colors like this (nice glass, just not this nice). Did you crank up the color saturation levels on your camera to produce the depth of the colors, or are they resultant of the polarizing filter? Thank You. 6/6


    Follow Up: Thank You for clarifying your technique; you need to send a copy of that picture to Sigma, It is the best picture (in many ways) taken by their 10/20mm lens.

  4. Greetings Marcos; I noticed that you are using a polarizing filter with this shot, which explains some of the intense colors, but I assume you also have the color saturation bumped into the + on your camera setting (Nikon D200); is this correct, and if so, to what settings? The effect adds amazing depth of focus and amazing colors that almost sizzle with intensity. Fantastic shot! 6/6


    Greetings Dainis; It does not get much better than this shot, excellent cropping, perfect skin tones & lighting, and the pose works very well (nice to see something different like this occasionally). Exceptional Portrait (one of the best I have seen recently); Oh, and the model is beautiful also. 10+ for her and 7/7 for the picture.


    Greetings Brent; I shot a bunch of press stuff during last years renaissance faire (Pomona area) and really enjoyed the events (lots of fun), but generally flip thru these types of character shots because they typically tend to be simple 'point & shoot' work; but this little girl really looks like a waif from another time period. Great focus & retouching. The slightly out of focus background colors really add to the eye appeal of this shot. nicely done.
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