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Image Comments posted by mel_dickey

    Zs 673


    (Superiority??) Please forgive me John, I had to just shake my head in laughter over that statement. Self-awareness, Confidence in her beauty and sensuality allowing her the free spirited freedom of expressing herself, is what I see and why not? One only has to look to see her beauty and the ambience it brings to the image. Is the image provocative? Yes in the sense it has brought forth stimulating discussions. (True Art) Is it Bold? Yes her free spirit to not only express herself but to expose herself to the world is fearless. Bravo to her for sharing with us!


    I understand that one can argue on details and that one detail can make a good photograph great, however it is also what can make a photograph stale (Lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new) leading to the same old boring images one can find over and over on the net. This image has life to it from the models free spirit which is captured well here and shown by the atmosphere of running around the room ,the background images help set that mood without becoming the subject nor the focal point, even though I assume both are her?. Cropping also would take away from that free spirit and make her the sole focal point taking away the message within the image.


    Again Bravo to both you and your beautiful student/model for a great piece of work.


    Great story line, Just returned home from a late evening dinner, relaxed, full of passion, in waiting for her partner. So many thoughts can come to mind here. Great Job by both!!




    This is a true master piece, the symmetry of the model herself, her pose and the balance with surroundings in your capture is outstanding!!!


    Where did you find this truly beautiful woman? My applause to the both of you on a extraordinary piece of work.

    Zs 192

    This is hands down my favorite of your shots with this same background setup. The models expression and pose simply sets the mood in this scene,Not to mention she is simply gorgeous
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