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Posts posted by soma_horvath

  1. I've a few AI nikkors (25-50 f/4, 180 f/2.8), but even so the K10D seems not a bad choice... if the system change is cheaper, than a d200 alone, and the k10d is so good as the nikon body, the choice will be easy...

    (sorry because my english)


  2. I would like to buy a dslr, but I don't know, which is better.

    The pentax looks nice, cheap, the raw image quality seems good, and there is a

    beautiful standard zoom lens (the 16-45), but I heard about some pretty heavy

    problems (the finder accuracy, front and back focus, etc., etc.), thats because

    I've cares...


    Thank you in anticipation

    Soma Horvath

  3. Thanks!

    well, I've doubts with the Mamy 7 series. F.e. there is the 150mm lens: it would be a great portrait lens, but it's close focus point is grim to this object; and the longest lens is just 210mm -IMHO.


    the Bronica 645 is an attractive system, but my informations are scant abuot this RF.


  4. Hello!


    I often make tours, and use/d a Nikon system. but I'm not pleased with the small

    leica slides, or BW prints, and I want to have "large" prints (about 24"*35").

    my favourite subjects are landscapes, landscape details, flowers, portraits and

    people on the street.


    so my question is: is it worth to use 645, or first a larger format? the 645 is

    luring because the light weight, the good lenses, and the AF, but is the image

    size enough? Will be the difference visible between the 35mm and the 645? and

    between the 645 and the 66/67?




    can I use my bogen 3021 tripod with this camera? is it enough?


    thank you in anticipation

    Soma Horvath

  5. Hello!

    I plan to buy an RZ, but I don't know, wich lens kit would be the best for me

    from this series: 50 (non ULD), 75RB (because the 77mm filter thread), 110, 150,

    180, Z250, 360 f/6.0, (and 1.4x).

    I plan 3 -4 lenses, and my beloved subjects are landscapes, landscape details,

    flowers, portraits and people on the street.


    +RZ I Owners!


    Who has any problems with her/his camera? and: what were these problems? (I

    count, an RZ I body /with the interscreen of the RZII/ is 200$ cheaper than the

    RZ II. is the II so good?). I had an bad experience, because the shutter speed

    control circuit of my ~17 years old F3HP runs dry, and it have be charged.

    Menace here this danger? or others?


    thank you in anticipation!

    Soma Horvath


    (sorry because my poor english)

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